The Colosseum under scaffolding. The Trevi fountain under scaffolding. Piazza di Spagna, the pyramid of G. Cestius, and other monumental sites under scaffolding.One could legitimately ask if the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism (MiBACT) recently received an extra injection of government funds. Instead, it is a new paradig...

The large American fast food chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), has chosen Rome as the first city in Italy to host its spicy fried chicken.   The chain hopes to grow to 100 restaurants in Italy in the medium-long term, for an investment of €150 million (part of which will be absorbed by the franchisee) and with 5,000 employees, when at ful...

by Silvia Donati   Umbria has launched a project, "Umbria Underground", to promote the many underground sites the region boasts, most of which are unknown to visitors.   Ancient Roman cisterns, catacombs, medieval aqueducts, Renaissance towers, Etruscan tombs, for a total of 40 monuments and 16 hypogea, will become part of a series of...

by Mauro Battocchi   Today, on Italy's Republic Day, I wanted to bring you some especially heartening news about the bel paese. Morgan Stanley, the American financial firm, recently released an outlook report for the Italian economy that put forward well-grounded, bullish analysis with regards to Italian growth. Like the rest of Europe,...

Palermo is, among many other things, a great city for markets, which act as hubs for social life, contact and dialogue, providing a regular appointment for the locals. They are places that have shaped the urban fabric, creating the spatial and also the emotional geography enjoyed by Palermitans, visitors and tourists alike.   Often linked to...

by Claudia Astarita   There are a few places more than Sicily where talking of cookery means making a journey within a journey. Here we find a cuisine with a rich and tasty variety of products which displays a fantastic balance between land and sea, and a gastronomic tradition which is quintessentially Mediterranean.   Sicilian cooker...

by Bill Springer   The new MCY 105 from the Italian craftsman at Monte Carlo Yachts has been named the "Most Innovative" yacht in the 80- to 120-foot category during the recent Cannes Yachting Festival.   Monte Carlo Yachts President Carla Demaria and Managing Director Fabrizio Iarrera were presented the award at a ceremony at the Car...

Per i giovani calciatori italiani si aprono le porte del soccer e dei College universitari Usa. Il 28 e 29 dicembre arriveranno per la prima volta nel nostro Paese allenatori di calcio di diverse Universita' americane per visionare giovani talenti nostrani e offrire loro la possibilita' di trasferirsi negli Stati Uniti per studiare e contempor...

di Giuseppe Bottero   «Vogliamo andare all'attacco dell'America». Carlo Rivetti, "Mister Stone Island", non usa giri di parole. Il presidente e direttore creativo – lui, però, preferisce definirsi "allenatore" – del gruppo di Ravarino, Modena, s'è appena lasciato alle spalle un 2015 di crescita.   Il fatturato è salito del 10% a 87 mi...

by Marcello Mari   With a little help from some big American companies, the Italian technology sector is taking off in the early part of 2016. Last month, the American tech behemoth Cisco Systems announced a series of strategic commitments in Italy that will total $100 million over the next three years.   Cisco signed an agreemen...

Cresce la voglia di Made in Italy nel mondo e lo dimostra il fatto che lo scorso anno il saldo commerciale è arrivato a 122,4 miliardi di euro. Un risultato che conferma il trend degli ultimi anni, con una progressione che continua senza sosta dal 2009 quando il saldo invece, era sceso sensibilmente.   Si tratta di u...

Viadurini is an Italian ecommerce company that sells designer & trendy furniture from Milan online. It has announced it will open an online store in the United States. The company is already available in many European countries. We interviewed X about the online furniture store.   The most famous street in Milan is probably Via Montenapo...