Although Thanksgiving is not a holiday Italians in Italy traditionally celebrate, there are many wonderful Italian dishes that fit perfectly into a Thanksgiving menu in America. Italian Americans embrace Thanksgiving wholeheartedly as a celebration of harvest – to spend time with loved one's, friends and family, while sharing all there is to be tha...

Sbarro Pizza, the 58-year-old chain of pizza joints that lets mall shoppers and airline travelers stuff themselves on oversize sliced of New York style pizza and other Italian fare, has filed for bankruptcy protection — again. The Sbarro pizza company was still digging its way out of debt after a 2011 bankruptcy, but still has somewhere betwee...

di Dom Serafini   A partire dal primo giugno per Usa e Canada e dal primo agosto per l'America Latina, i canali di RaiWorld passeranno dalla distribuzione e marketing internazionale dalla libanese Art a un gruppo misto. Fuori dall'Europa, RaiWorld (che ora è sotto l'ombrello di RaiCom) gestisce Rai Italia, RaiWorld Premium e Rai News 24. In...

di Roberto Bonzio   Fino a qualche giorno fa, l'ardente curiosità dei tanti amici di IdF oltreoceano poteva essere soddisfatta solo con una copia digitale di "Italiani di frontiera. Dal West al Web: un'avventura in Silicon Valley" (EGEA), in formati diversi su Amazon, Egeaonline,   Sì lo so che nella Bay Area si era scatenata...

di Domenico Logozzo Silvana Romania, la voce del sorriso della newyorchese "Radio Icn" che per oltre 20 anni ha tenuto compagnia agli italiani d'America, si è spenta improvvisamente a Brooklyn. Troppo presto è volata in cielo la "ragazza di Gioiosa Jonica" che mezzo secolo fa lasciò l'amata Calabria con l'amato Sasà, per inseguire il sogno america...

By Benjamin Zhang After a two-decade absence, Alfa Romeo returned to the US last year with the pint-sized 4C sports car. Now, the legendary Italian brand is ready to offer something a bit more mainstream with the 2016 Alfa Romeo Giulia sedan. It's an important vehicle Fiat Chrysler Automobiles —Alfa's parent company — as the company seeks to...

In 2016, the City of Florence will mark the 50th anniversary of the devastating Flood of the Arno River, which destroyed, or damaged, 14,000 pieces of art.   A new book, and PBS documentary based on the book, called When the World Answered: Florence, Women Artists and the 1966 Flood, by Jane Fortune and Linda Falcone, tells the story of how...

by Dan Gentile Sometimes the greatest food creations come from adapting to necessity, like when the Earl of Sandwich put meat between bread for a quick snack to get through long gambling sessions, or when KFC doubled down on Americans' need to be even less healthy.   Classic Italian-American food is no different. When immigrants began arriv...

by Kley Tarcitano   We are looking for a Pretty, friendly and dynamic girl between the ages of 8 and 12 to help our host Steve Harvey to do an interview with a talent who doesn't speak English... only Italian. Must be fluently in both languages and be LA local. We need by the end of this week 07/09. Please send headshots to my email. Dates...

di Emanuele Pettener   Questa conversazione, svoltasi tramite un fitto scambio di email in inglese e da me tradotta, venne pubblicata nel 2006 sul blog Vibrisse; da anni ormai l'intervista non esiste in rete, ed è un peccato, essendo una straordinaria esplorazione di quello che l'Italia ha rappresentato per gli intellettuali americani lungo...

by Jeremias Wells Christopher Columbus certainly ranks as one of the greatest men of achievement the world has ever known, and also justly one of the most renowned, for the entire history of Europeans in America originated from his vision, religious sense and adventurous spirit.   As can be expected in a man with an impassioned nature, many...

by Mary Tedesco   Tracing your Italian ancestry is one of the greatest adventures you can ever undertake. You will find the road full of twists and turns and surprises. You will experience conflicting emotions—delight and disappointment; wonder and weariness; sentiment and sadness; exhilaration and embarrassment. But, as all roads lead to Ro...