Promotion Center for Little Italy Baltimore welcomes GIANNI ANDRACCHIO as its new board president. Benvenuto Gianni! He has already been planning and brainstorming as to how to grow our nonprofit organization as we continue the mission of promoting Little Italy. "I'm excited to get started," he said.   Gianni is first generation Italian as t...

Thirteen Westfield High School students were recently informed of recognition they received on the March 2016 Italian National Exam competing against students from 140 schools across 21 states.   Westfield High School Italian teachers Maria Santilli and Lauren Conroy explained that the exam, which was administered to more than 5,200 students...

Con una celebrazione per il 750mo anniversario della nascita del Sommo poeta ha debuttato a Washington la Dante Alighieri Legacy Association presieduta da Melo Cicala. La cerimonia si è svolta al Meridian Hill Park, dove è stata deposta una corona di fiori ai piedi del monumento di Dante eretto nella capitale. L'imponente statua (104,4 pollic...

Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-26) announced a Senate resolution supporting the preservation of Columbus Day as a federal and state holiday. The resolution will be formally introduced at the next Senate session. "New Jersey has the second highest population of people of Italian ancestry in the country," Senator Pennacchio said. "For the 1.4 million Ita...

Anche se l'iter è "molto laborioso", il presidente americano Barack Obama si è detto "moderatamente ottimista" sul raggiungimento di un accordo definitivo tra Stati Uniti ed Unione europea in merito alla cosiddetta Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, l'intesa transatlantica per il commercio e gli investimenti che fu annunciata dallo ste...

Gli Stati Uniti e l'Italia stanno lavorando assieme per una "prosperità economica globale che dia più opportunità ai giovani e protegga l'ambiente per le generazioni future". Lo scrive il Segretario di Stato americano, John Kerry, nel suo messaggio di congratulazioni agli italiani in occasione della Festa della Repubblica.   Il segretario di...

by Anthony DePrimo There is something about Tottenville that is particularly charming in the fall. Perhaps its the quiet pace and "old" Staten Island feel of Main Street, or the idea of taking in the colorful foliage set against a seaside backdrop at The Conference House. But at this time of year it is an enjoyable place to spend a day, especially...

The Consul General has the honor and pleasure to invite the Teachers of Italian in the Greater Philadelphia area to attend a workshop at the Consulate General of Italy, located at 150 S. Independence Mall West, Suite 106 on Wednesday March 19th at 3:00 PM.   Letter to Teachers   Source:  ...

Back in 2007, Matthew Carulli won a scholarship from the Italian Nationality Room at the University of Pittsburgh for a summer study abroad program in Syracuse, Sicily. That trip led to another study abroad trip two years later.   Ever since that first trip, Matthew has wanted to give back to the Italian Room's scholarship fund. He always th...

By Scott Ketterer The founder of Barbero's Bakery, "Trenton's Tiffany in baked products," has died just one year shy of a century.   Angelo Barbero died last Friday at the age of 99. Barbero was born in Montemarano, Italy in 1915 to Gerard and Maria (Coscia) Barbero. He was one of three children who came to the United States in 1920 to join...

di Michela Tartaglia   This year Dante Alighieri Society of Washington marks an incredible achievement for 30 years in divulgating la bella lingua through the Italian language program.   Created in 1984, the language program has provided Italian classes to thousands of students interested in learning or advancing their knowledge of th...