The Paolo Busti Cultural Foundation of Genesee County recognized Outstanding Italian-Americans, Dr. Anthony Gugino and Mrs. Donna Reechio Condello, at their Annual Fall Fundraiser at Terry Hills Wednesday night. St. Joe's Brass Ensemble was the featured entertainment which culminated with the awarding of the Gift Basket to Mrs. Nancy Palermo along...

If you really want to add authenticity to your Sunday serving of macaroni, meatballs and gravy, a trip to Arthur Avenue in the Bronx will yield as many homemade Italian shopping opportunities as it always has.   On the other hand, finding the old Italian-American community among those businesses is more difficult, so Katonah filmmaker Dante...

by Anthony J. Tamburri   Cari Amici, we look forward to seeing you this Friday when we shall celebrate the career of one of Italy's and Italian America's great writers. GIOSE RIMANELLI: 90 YEARS - An American Celebration 20 February 2015 * 9:00 AM to 5:00 PMThe John D. Calandra Italian American Institute25 West 43rd Street - New...

The Hon. Vice Consul Comm. Stefano Acunto will be traveling to Albany on Thursday March 26th to be in attendance at TASTES of the World on behalf of the Consul General of Italy and representing the Italian Government. His role is to assist ICCR in honoring Professor/CAV Philip J. DiNovo, President/Director of the American Italian Heritage Associati...

Tony Lo Bianco has played plenty of toughs — but the good-guy actor is turning pussycat as he heads to Italy to stage his one-man show about beloved New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia. "[La Guardia] was a man of and for the people and everything he did was for the human race," Lo Bianco said Thursday on "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsma...

ITALIAN TEACHER NEEDED FOR ADULTS, CHILDREN AND TODDLERS CLASSES Must be fluent in Italian. Italian certification preferred. Please send resume by email to [email protected]   Westchester Italian Cultural CenterOne Generoso Pope PlaceTuckahoe, New York  

L'Italian American Boxing Awards, evento che rappresenta il perfetto mix tra sport e cultura ideato e organizzato da New York Italians, ANPS USA e Fordham University, domenica sera ha visto la sua prima edizione nella storica palestra di New York Gleason's Gym. Nel 1937 l'italiano Peter Robert Gagliardi inglesizzò il suo nome in Bobby Gleason, per...

Il richiamo alla mitica Graziella è abbastanza esplicito: una bicicletta piccola, pieghevole, con grande cura per ogni dettaglio, dalla sella al campanello. Un oggetto comodo per chi vive in grandi città e ha bisogno di una due ruote piccola che occupi poco spazio, in modo da poter essere portata in appartamento o in ufficio per non correre il risc...

Ha appena preso servizio e dice di non avere un "programma e una lista di cose da fare" ma di idee su come promuovere la cultura italiana sembra averne diverse.   Il nuovo direttore dell'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York, Giorgio van Straten, ha preso possesso della sua scrivania al terzo piano della palazzina di Park Avenue a metà lu...

Yesterday kicked off the 2015 Feast of Santa Rosalia in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. A neighborhood staple for 40 years, the celebration features nightly entertainment, games, rides, and plenty of delicious food. The festivities continue until Sunday, August 30th. Enjoy the many amusements, but please don't forget the true reason for the celebration and...

Grab a glass of wine and relax with the Greater New York Region for its first mini Italian film festival! Courtesy of the award-winning television channel Eurochannel, four short films by Italian filmmakers will be screened in Italian with English subtitles.   The screening will be followed by a guided conversation and time for networking. L...

by Matthew Scott Donnelly   The specials this week at Joanne Trattoria, a New York City restaurant owned by Lady Gaga's father, Joe Germanotta? A traditional spaghetti and meatball dinner, herb roasted chicken and marriaaaaaaaaaaaage! This morning (November 30), Lady Gaga shared a video of YouTubing duo WhenSheMetShe (better known as Al...