When you hear Lamborghini and the 1970s in the same sentence, you probably think about the origins of the iconic Countach luxury sports car. What you might not know is that, just three years after introducing the Countach, the Italian car maker went in a completely different direction, developing an off-road vehicle called the Cheetah that looks li...

Known for iconic brands like Nutella, Tic Tac, and Ferrero Rocher, among others, Ferrero has a manufacturing facility in Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi (AV). Because Irpinia is known for its hazelnuts, Ferrero recently announced a new marketing initiative designed to celebrate the region by showcasing one of its best-tasting exports. “Progetto Nocciola I...

A Lecture by Fritjof Capra Leonardo da Vinci, the great master painter and genius of the Renaissance, has been the subject of hundreds of scholarly and popular books. However, there are surprisingly few books about Leonardo's science. Moreover, most authors who have discussed his scientific work have looked at it through Newtonian lenses, which has...

When you think of dream holiday destinations, you might picture exotic trips to far-flung islands in the Maldives or the Caribbean. But the “most desired” holiday destination in the world is in fact Italy, a survey has found. Italy was the most-searched holiday destination among people in 97 countries, including the US, Canada, Ireland, Russia, Chi...

Songwriter Luca Burgalassi lives in York County, but the title of his new CD — “On the Other Side of the Water” — refers to more than crossing the James River. Burgalassi, 43, grew up near Tuscany, Italy. He has played his share of shows in Hampton Roads, but the water refers to in his new CD is the ocean he traversed when he moved to the United St...

A new Italian spot, offering pizza and more, has opened its doors in the neighborhood. Located at 8170 Okeechobee Blvd., the fresh addition is called Knot Just Pizza. There's no shortage of options: if you're in the mood for pizza, choose from 30 toppings plus sauces like Alfredo, spicy red, pesto and more as well as thin, New York style and caulif...

Matteo Garrone’s critical hit Dogman was the big winner at Italy’s biggest film event, the David di Donatello awards, picking up nine prizes on Tuesday night. The 64th edition of the awards was broadcast back on its original home of RAI after a brief trial run on Sky Italia. Under the new leadership of Piera Detassis, the first female president and...

Wednesday, 04/17/2019 - 6:30pm. Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University, 24 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011-8604. Between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, hundreds of thousands of Italians left their country for the Americas. This performance uses words and music to tell their story: a story of hope and creativity that ended...

The University of New Hampshire (UNH), in collaboration with Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, brought the touring festival of rare and restored films “Il Cinema Ritrovato,” to the Durham campus and The Music Hall in Portsmouth. With a total of eight screenings shown from Tuesday, March 19 to Sunday, March 24, the festival attracted about 750 student...

“Nel corso di questi anni l’internazionalizzazione delle produzioni calabresi, a partire dall’agroalimentare e non solo, ha registrato un costante aumento con importanti risultati. C’è una tendenza alla crescita delle esportazioni dei nostri prodotti e alla presenza delle nostre imprese sui mercati esteri che è frutto di una serie di iniziative che...

Frank Santorelli, an Italian-American who is best known for playing the recurring role of "Georgie the Bartender" on The Sopranos, will appear at Pitman's Freight Room on Friday, April 5, at 8 p.m. Santorelli has starred in numerous movies, including "No Reservations," "Meet the Parents," and "Crooked Lines." HIs passion has always been comedy. He...

Tony & Elaine’s, a red-sauce joint from North End restaurateur Nick Frattaroli (Bodega Canal, North Square Oyster, Ward 8). The restaurant is new, but it feels like a throwback, intentionally: red-checked tablecloths, raffia-wrapped Chianti bottles, cheesy vintage posters, the works. It follows in the footsteps of restaurants like Carbone and Parm...