My first foray into Italian mountain biking came in the spring of 2013 when my partner and I entered an eight-day XC stage race in Liguria’s Apennine mountains. The course stretched from the “Bay of Poets” in La Spezia, west across the entire region of Liguria, and ended a few kilometers from the French border. The race included stages with ascent...

The Aeolian Islands or the Lipari Islands is an archipelago of volcanic islands located north of Sicily. The Islands are known to be a very popular tourist destination during summer, and attract more than 200,000 visitors each year. The islands are a world heritage site since 2000 because of their unique geological features. There are 8 main island...

“My head was messed up.” In a rare moment of clarity, these once were the words of former Houston Astros pitcher, Mark Lemongello, known for his frequent outbursts of self-assault, sometimes slapping himself after ineffective pitches or outings. Lemongello wore Astro orange from 1976 through 1978. Bizarre events and an encounter with the law haunte...

Make sure your sweet tooth is ready when you head to Joey’s Cannoli, a cozy dessert café that just opened its doors on a block connecting Huguenot and Main Streets in New Rochelle. The pint-size espresso bar is packed with imported Italian treats, cream-filled everything, and, as the name suggests, several riffs on the classic cannoli. Fittingly, y...

As a young actor in New York, Chazz Palminteri did a lot of theater. And when he moved to Los Angeles, he booked guest appearances on television shows like “Matlock,” “Hill Street Blues” and “Dallas.” Restless for a career-making part, however, Palminteri remembered something his father had told him, and decided to use his own life story to create...

An Italian research team has come up with a key new material able to repair nerve lesions, according to a study published Tuesday. The material assembles itself and becomes a sort of scaffolding on which to grow brain stem cells and in future repair nerve lesions, according to tests on mice. Tests are now being conducted on pigs and, in light of ne...

On April 12,13 and April 26,27, the annual edition of Italian Film Festival USA of Phoenix will feature local premieres of recent, critically acclaimed Italian films and shorts. Organized by Italian Film Festival USA in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute in Los Angeles, ASU’s School of International Letters and Cultures and Scottsdal...

Every sparkling wine fan knows that the world of bubbly doesn't begin and end in the Champagne region: America produces some delicious sparkling wines, Spain has it's famous cava, German's drink sekt, even France has its own sub-genre on non-champagne sparklers known as cremant. And, of course, Italy has prosecco; it's own version of champagne, rig...

Palmanova is located in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northeastern Italy, about 70 miles east of Venice. The town is protected inside by its massive star-shaped fortress walls, a wonderful example of Late Renaissance fortressa design built by the Venetian Republic in 1593. The fortifications were included in UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list...

Painter, architect, engineer, designer, set designer, musician, inventor, anatomist, and geologist. Leonardo da Vinci is all of it, a universally recognized Italian genius, celebrated this year on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of his death.  We take you on a journey through time and space to discover the genius of the Renaissance.  THE YOUN...

Presented under the auspices of the Consulate of Italy in Detroit, the Italian Film Festival USA will open in Detroit in just a week! On April 3rd, at 7:30, join us at the DIA's Detroit Film Theatre for "Benedetta Follia" (Blessed Madness), a 2018 comedy by and with Carlo Verdone. The Metro Detroit edition of the festival will continue until May 5t...

Iscrizioni aperte fino al 30 aprile per le Maria Manetti Shrem Grants 2019. Ad annunciarlo è la Commissione Lingua e Cultura del Comites di San Francisco, ricordando che le borse di studio sono destinate agli studenti che affronteranno l’esame Ap Italian. In base ai loro risultati verranno assegnati premi da 50 a 100 dollari. L’iniziativa, sottolin...