Cambio di vertice al Club dei Carinesi d’America di Brooklyn. L’assemblea dei soci ha eletto il neo Presidente John Gallina. Suo vice Vito Badalamenti. 44 anni, titolare di un’officina dedita a lavori di verniciatura e carrozzeria, sposato e padre di quattro figli, John Gallina subentra a Tony Troia che, negli ultimi tre anni ha guidato lo storico...

Newpoli plays upbeat, danceable Southern Italian folk music that brings together influences from the entire Mediterranean region. You will hear sounds from Africa, the Middle East, and Greece. The concert will be preceded by a dance lesson, so be sure to join your fellow explorers on the dance floor for one of FTH’s Global Dance Hall events, and ta...

A few images of the event commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Beth El Temple of Bloomfield Hills, MI. After a presentation on Italian Judaism and on the Holocaust in Italy by University of Michigan Professor of Near Eastern Studies Gabriele Boccaccini, the musicians Davide Casali (clarinet) and Elisa Frausin (piano) pre...

Under the auspices of C.I.A.O. Bay Area—the Coalition of Italian American Organizations—a protest will be held today, January 30, 2018 at 1:00 at City Hall. The protest is in reaction to last week's action by Supervisor Malia Cohen, who, in an apparent back-room deal, rammed through legislation that would change the name of Columbus Day to Indigeno...

Sale e Pepe, the elegant Italian restaurant overlooking the Gulf of Mexico within the award-winning Marco Beach Ocean Resort, has named Antonio Minichiello as executive chef. Raised in the small, southern Italian town of Avellino, Minichiello's love for cooking began at an early age alongside his mother and grandmother, eventually leading him to en...

The influx of settlers to Weldon Valley in the 1880s led to founding of a town, first called "Duel," then later, at the request of its residents re-named Weldona. This town was destined to grow and prosper and serve as one of the principal business and social centers of the Weldon Valley community in most of the first half of the last century.

Siamo lieti di comunicare che l'Associazione Amerigo proseguirà il Joint Cooperation Program con la Fordham University School of Law di New York. La prima edizione di Amerigo For Law, il percorso di studi presso la Fordham School of Law, ha raccolto un gruppo di affermati professionisti, partner di studi legali e general counsel, tutti accomunati d...

Scott Conant, a frequent judge on Chopped, made quick work of revamping the former Salute Italian Trattoria at Red Rock Resort into Masso Osteria. Now the chef plans to debut his new restaurant on Friday, Feb. 16, with a decor inspired by the desert and a menu of Italian fare. Conant plans to serve whole sea bass al forno, tagliata di manzo, lamb s...

Today more than ever, its position makes it unique and irreplaceable, a real cultural melting pot for the whole of Europe with a look at the world. To this important national event will be added, from 16th of June to 4th of November 2018, the artistic event MANIFESTA12, one of the main contemporary art Biennials on a world scale.

Alfa Romeo has been the butt of jokes for years. Even — especially — during those years, it hardly sold any cars in the United States. (In 2016, it posted 516 total US sales.) Older Alfas are known for their propensity to rust and for any number of frustrating mechanical hiccups that happen with no apparent consistency or common theme, while electr...

Behind the expensive price tag of a bottle of Italian extra-virgin olive oil are the effort, labor costs, and production that goes into it. Extra-virgin olive oil has to be free of defects. “It’s just crushed fruit,” says Curtis Cord, publisher of Olive Oil Times. “We pay more for extra-virgin olive oil because we expect that it has certain tastes...

While the novel Call Me by Your Name takes place at the height of the AIDS epidemic in 1987, for the film adaptation, director Luca Guadagnino shifted Elio and Oliver's summer romance to 1983, around the time HIV was discovered. The disease, however, will be tackled head-on in the sequel, says Guadagnino, who hopes the awards contender is the first...