by James Patrick Kelly   Gino Vuolo didn't have to look into a crystal ball six years ago when he moved his popular Italian restaurant from Downtown Boise. He knew Meridian was becoming Idaho's fastest growing city and wanted to situate his eatery, Gino's Italian Ristorante, smack dab in the center of the suburban sprawl.  ...

The Institute of International Education recently published updated statistics relating to foreign exchange education in the world. I'm pleased to announce that the US-Italian educational relationship has crossed a significant threshold: more than 30,000 US students studied abroad in Italian territory for academic credit in the 2013/14 school year,...

By Tara Isabella Burton Blending into the smoky stone edifice of Caffè Stella Polare, a tiny plaque, barely 3 inches across, announces that this is a caffè filosofico, a salon of sorts for philosophical debate. Next to it, another sign marks the popular lunch spot as a stop on the literary " Italo Svevo Itinerary," for devotees of that titan of It...

Dear all, please see the following Call for Book Reviews by Carte Italiane, the journal of the Department of Italian at UCLA. In addition to our upcoming issue dedicated to how conflicts and wars have shaped Italian identities, Carte Italiane will also feature a section of Book Reviews. Not only do we believe in up-to-date and thorough scholar...

The American Academy of Arts and Sciences named Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Professor Federico Capasso and electrical engineer Alfred Cho as the recipients of the 2015 Rumford Prize on Tuesday, in recognition of their contributions to the field of laser technology.   The award will be presented to Capas...

Annual Bocce with the Brothers fundraiser for Capuchin Ministries will be held from 6 to 11 p.m. on Friday January 22, at Villa Penna Banquet and Restaurant, 43985 Hayes Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48313. The fundraising event will feature a buffet dinner, desserts, and unlimited bocce ball. Also featured will be the Gary Greenfelder Orchestra, Piano...

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5 2016. 5:30pm - 8:30pm. 308 Congress Street, Boston. Admission is $1.00 per person starting at 5pm. Registration recommended but not mandatory The Program includes among other activities:- Newpoli: Newpoli is a group of exceptionally talented musicians who spe...

Join us this THURSDAY, February 11, for a special screening, in 101 Morgan Hall. Fred Kuwornu presents his 2016 documentary Blaxploitalian, 100 years of blackness in the Italian cinema.   BLAXPLOITALIAN follows the different waves of pioneers of African descent who have contributed to Italian Cinema. The documentary covers more than a centur...

di Jacopo Rossi Mai come negli ultimi tempi gli italiani sembrano essersi appassionati alla birra. E, dato ancor più importante, i mercati stranieri alzano volentieri al cielo un buon boccale di bionda italiana, soprattutto artigianale. I numeri che Coldiretti ha presentato durante la Festa della Birra organizzata a Expo parlano chiaro: l'export n...

The neon sign is lit at Salvatore of Soho's new Great Kills location. If all goes smoothly with permits and planning, owner Salvatore Ganci will open his small pizzeria and restaurant sometime next week.   "I'm going to concentrate on what the restaurant does best," said the chef/owner. And, he says his "best" are the likes of panini, salads...

When looking at a gondola, have you ever noticed that sinuous object supporting the gondolier's oar? Well, neither had I, until I learned about it at the Venetian workshop of Piero Dri, one of only four remaining artisans in the city still making, strictly by hand, the object in question: the forcola (oarlock) - which, I also learned, is actually...

The most common way to monitor a local restaurant scene is to keep track of which restaurants occupy the available spaces. Some folk take a more sophisticated approach, tracking chefs and/or restaurateurs. But in our Italian-American restaurant community, it's necessary to track families.   Forget keeping up with the Jones. Greater New Haven...