We recently had a wonderful opportunity to chat with James Egidio Faiella. Jimmy—as his famiglia and friends call him—is a proud, professional Italian-American mandolinist performing traditional Italian Folk Music on the mandolino. It's a tradition that's been in his family for four generations. Jimmy was born and raised in West Aliquippa and Aliq...

Mercoledì scorso presso la Domus Mariae a Roma si è riunito il Comitato organizzatore degli Stati Generali delle associazioni italiane nel mondo.   Composto – ad oggi – da Acli, Filef, Istituto Fernando Santi, Migrantes, Ucemi e Unaie (comitato promotore), Anfe, Aitef, Cser, Uim, Abruzzesi nel mondo, Faes, Lucchesi nel mondo, Pugliesi nel mo...

"Milano è il motore economico, sia dell'Italia che dell'Europa. È il posto perfetto per questa esposizione. Per questo gli Stati Uniti sono felici di poter partecipare all'Expo 2015".   Lo ha detto il segretario di Stato, John Kerry, presentando dalla Benjamin Franklin Room del dipartimento di Stato a Washington l'innovativo padiglione con i...

by Catherine Accardi   Painter, Rinaldo Cuneo (1877-1939), was born in San Francisco on July 2, 1877. The Cuneo family was an Italian-American family of artists and musicians who lived on Telegraph Hill.   As an adult, Cuneo lived and worked in a studio in North Beach's Telegraph Hill, a location with grand views of the bay and surrou...

One of downtown Scranton's largest events is coming to the rescue of one of its most iconic landmarks. La Festa Italiana of Lackawanna County will contribute up to $10,000 to renovate the Electric City sign overlooking Courthouse Square before the annual Labor Day weekend celebration of Italian culture and cuisine.   Chris DiMattio, La...

Eni ha perforato con successo il primo pozzo esplorativo orizzontale (Stallings 1H) nell'ambito dell'accordo con Quicksilver Resources volto a valutare, esplorare e sviluppare risorse a olio in giacimenti non convenzionali situati nella parte meridionale del bacino del Delaware, nella Contea di Pecos, nel West Texas, circa 700 chilometri a nord ove...

From September the 28th to October the 5th, Rome will be embedded by an all-encompassing debate on innovation, "with topics ranging from Open Hardware to Social Innovation and Democracy, from City Makers in the Collaborative Economy to Open Data and Impact Finance".   Experts and leaders in innovation, including coders, hackers, and financer...

Italian Heritage and Culture Month 2014 Tribute "Celebrating the Italian American Experience . . . Legends and Icons . . . Italian Americans in Sports"   You are cordially invited to attend the Raising of the Italian and Italian American Flags and a special recognition for Cav. Anthony Julian Tamburri, Ph.D., D...

David is on the move. The statue, that is. A full-sized replica of Michelangeo's "David" statue has been featured at Festa Italiana for years. Thursday, it took a trip to the Milwaukee Art Museum. "We (have to) get him out of here," said Dean Cannestra, of the Italian Community Center. He and his crew loaded David onto a truck to be part of an exh...

Il 6 Dicembre si svolgerà presso l'Auditorium del Consolato Generale d'Italia a Houston, Texas la Decima Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo. Organizzata dal Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero (COM.IT.ES) della circoscrizione di Houston, che comprende gli Stati dell'Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma e Texas, in collaborazione con il Comitato...

The end of an era is approaching in East Utica. But it could be the beginning of a new era. The beloved Sons of Italy Lodge, an Italian social stronghold for nearly 60 years, is scheduled to close in a few weeks. For those who grew up in East Utica, Italian or not, the lodge and the Miss Italia Pageant spark warm memories. Board member R...

100 years ago this week, the four Maserati brothers opened a small automotive repair shop in the heart of Bologna, Italy.   In the decades since, the Maserati brand has experienced its fair share of trials and tribulations, ranging from War to bankruptcy, from incompetent ownership to quality control problems. Through it all, Maserati has ne...