There's little sense in the English-speaking world of an Italian literary tradition that can stand alongside our vastly more substantial understanding of a French or German one. How did the language of European self-knowledge, of Dante's sacred (or sacred-ish) poetry and Petrarch's secular model collapse into a language largely associated...
By Barbara Ann Zippi October is full of activities for Italians to celebrate their culture, heritage and traditions. Ciao Philadelphia, now in its third year, was created by Consul General Andrea Canepari to celebrate Italian Cultural Month with a wide range of activities. A free highlight held throughout the month features a...
Council Member Paul Vallone hosted the Annual Celebration of Italian Heritage event at City Hall on October 5th, with City Council Speaker Melissa Mark- Viverito and Council Member Vincent Gentile. Hundreds of guests filled the Council Chambers and were treated to performances by the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts Concert Choir and the incredible...
Everyone was Italian at Viva La Panza, which drew 660 men to Todaro's Party Center on Wednesday for an evening of great food and camaraderie. Ralph Trecaso and John Montisano co-chaired the event for the Italian-American Professional Businessmen's Club, which raises funds for scholarships for students of Italian descent. Read more ...
Presented by the original New York producers, in conjunction with Chicago Theater Works, one of Chicago's longest running, smash hit shows, Tony n' Tina's Wedding, has been extended due to popular demand and will run through the end of April 2017. Tony n' Tina's Wedding played an incredible 16 years in Chicago, and, during that time, entertained m...
Due giovani pianeti, probabilmente dei giganti gassosi grandi quanto Saturno, stanno nascendo dal 'grembo' fatto di polveri e gas che circonda la giovanissima stella HD 163296, visibile a 400 anni luce da noi nella costellazione del Sagittario: a svelare questa precoce 'gravidanza' stellare è il radio telescopio Alma in Cile, che ha analizzato le p...
by Vicky Carabini February 11, 2017, Saturday - Music and Culture: An Italian Perspective. Chapman University, Musco Center for the Arts, 10:00am-1:00pm. The many pathways of Italy's music, art and culture come together in a single event! Appreciate the harmony that inspired Dante's immortal masterpieces, and explore the diverse voices of...
by Luca Orlando Thanks to an across the board pick up, which was influenced by both European as well as non-EU countries, Italian exports skyrocketed in November by 5.7% annually—their best performance since last August. This powerful boost can also be seen on a monthly basis (+2.2%), which gave a shot in the arm to what had been a none-to...
Giovedì 20 settembre 2012 si terrà a Washington un incontro con l'On. Alessia Mosca dal titolo "Italy's brain drain problem: what can be done?" organizzato dalla Johns Hopkins University in collaborazione con lo US-Italy Global Affairs Forum, Italians in DC e Limes.
Nelle scorse settimane gli amanti dell'avventura e della fotografia itinerante, hanno potuto aprezzare a San Francisco una bellissima esposizione di immagini intitolata "Terra e Asfalto", scattate da una coppia di viaggiatori italiani davvero speciale. La particolarità del loro desiderio di scoperta del mondo, che sia Asia, Africa o America, è che...
"Nel Secolo del Pacifico, l'America rilancia l'Atlantico. Mentre l'Europa si chiede se e in che modo Obama 2 effettuerà il fatidico "pivot to Asia", il vicepresidente Joe Biden, dalla Conferenza di Monaco, chiede agli europei di costruire un'area di libero scambio: un mercato unico fra le due sponde dell'Atlantico, non in nome dei vecchi tempi che...
Over 200 representatives from education, business, government, Italian-American organizations, and clergy enjoyed an elegant evening Italian culture featuring actor Tony Lo Bianco portraying New York City's iconic Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia at the Italian Embassy. The event was sponsored by the National Council for the Promotion of Italian Langua...