Carroll University's Wind Symphony will join together with 30 Italian musicians from the City Band of Norcia and the City Band of Bevagna to perform an "Italian Serenade." The concert, which also features international maestro Filippo Salemmi, will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, April 25 at Sun Prairie High School. Guest conductor Salemmi will shar...
The 2014-15 season of Celebrity Boston Series was announced recently, and it's shaping up to be a great one. Kicking off the 7-month-long series will be none other than piano grand master Maurizio Pollini. Hailed as one of the top instrumental soloists in the world, Pollini is scheduled to perform a program of Schumann and Chopin at Boston Symphon...
Coming directly from Rome to Chicago we can experience a Big Night about Cinema and Taste. The Italian Cultural Institute will host a Star night with Italian tastes and smell, enriched by the stories of movie stars who will reveal the secrets of their success, on the set as well as in the kitchen, and accompanied by the pictures of celebrities take...
DEAN MARTIN Birthday Bash DINO AMORE Weekend Grand Finale Night Sing-Along 6pm -9pm a Festival Celebration Sing-Along for the Entire Family Encore Performance DELAURO is Only performing One Night - SUNDAY for the Dean Martin Birthday Bash Singalong Rat Pack Swing
By Mauro Battocchi Currently, the US and EU trade levels are a well over half a trillion dollars per year. Our combined GDP represents more than half of global GDP, and our bilateral trade and investment flows account for more than 30% of global trade. Each day, $2.7 billion in goods and services are traded bilaterally, which sust...
Not many people are aware that Rimini, one of the most famous touristic destinations in the very North of the Adriatic coast, was founded in 286 B.C. under the name of Ariminum. As reminded by the Australian magazine Italianicious, today, the Rimini Riviera is "famous for its well-equipped beaches, fine sands and wide shoreline that stretc...
#sofa4manhattan è il progetto di Berto e Design-Apart, nato da una visione dell'azienda come ecosistema aperto, dove a pensare, progettare e realizzare un divano su misura possono essere persone diverse, anche esterne al nostro laboratorio. Abbiamo voluto aprire l'azienda a nuovi modi di interpretare il design, la produzione e la distribuzione, gu...
Ostia Antica batte Pompei. Ed è il sito archeologico più visitato in Italia nel mese di luglio. A rivelarlo è il ministero dei Beni culturali, che traccia un bilancio dei biglietti staccati nei musei nazionali a trenta giorni di distanza dall'applicazione della rivoluzione del piano tariffario e degli orari di apertura dei musei introdotta dal mini...
Reminiscent of the Italian Festivals that took place on Wooster Street in New Haven, the North Haven Son's & Daughters of Italy Lodge 2805 will present their "Italian Festival of Angels" on the North Haven Town Green Friday, Aug. 23, 4 to 10 p.m., and Saturday, Aug. 24, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. The Procession of Angels will take place Saturday, 4 p.m...
By Gina Biancardi Are you one of the 175,000 Italian-Americans living on Staten Island? Whether you consider yourself "Italian-American" or "American-Italian" or simply American with some traces of Italian ancestors, I wonder what significance being "Italian" has to you and to your family. For me, as a first-generation Italia...
"Porterò con me a Bruxelles la Mela di cristallo che mi ha regalato", ha detto il ministro degli Esteri Federica Mogherini al sindaco Bill de Blasio durante l'incontro al Consolato Generale, il quale ha risposto in italiano augurandole "buona fortuna" per l'incarico di Alto rappresentante per la Politica Estera Ue che va ad assumere. Gremito oltre...
by Riccardo Chioni Il villaggio di Millbrook nel Upstate New York ha inaugurato il Museum in the Street, il primo che racconta la storia dell'immigrazione in lingua inglese e italiana attraverso 29 pannelli disseminati in strade e parchi per promuovere il proprio senso di identità storica e tramandarla alle future generazioni. Alla cerimonia del...