The legendary life of Primitivo di Turi wine

Jun 04, 2021 262

BY: Stefano De Carolis

Il Primitivo di Turi: “it has the beautiful color of aged wine, a dry tonic flavor, a most pleasant, harmonious scent, generous as a whole” (Dr Antonio Carpenè)

Wine —  “the gods’ nectar,” according to classical mythology – has always been an ancestral symbol of human civilization, a precious food with the deepest meaning. In the Old Testament,  wine was considered the symbol of all the gifts coming from God. A true myth! From Bacchus, divinity of the Romans, to Dionysus, god of the Greeks, all the way back to Osiris, worshiped by the ancient Egyptians for his many virtues.

In Greek mythology, Dionysus was the god of ecstasy, wine and drunkenness. A carefree, wild, sensual and chaotic being, embodiment of all that was instinctive and irrational. An extraordinary vital force, that represented life’s will, nature’s energy and the fertility of Man and Earth.

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