Mott Foundation to confer 97 Academic Scholarships

Aug 08, 2019 831

The John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (The "Foundation") of Washington, D.C., dedicated to enhancing higher education opportunities for students in Calabria, Italy, has awarded 97 academic scholarships this year to deserving students from the Calabria region.This brings the total of scholarships awarded to Calabrian students since 2001 to 1,793. In addition to the academic scholarships, the Foundation also has provided over 120 grants to students to study English as a second language.

The primary requisites for receiving a Mott Foundation scholarship are a student's academic achievements, financial need, and a stated commitment to utilizing the benefits of the educational opportunity provided to help improve conditions in Calabria.

Mott Foundation President, Benjamin L. Palumbo, who succeeded the late Mario V. Mirabelli, stated that the Mott Board was very pleased with the candidates who applied for scholarships this year, and that the Board Members were conscientious in their evaluation. He expresses confidence that the Award winners would justify the Board's faith in them.
John R. Mott, the creator of the Foundation, was born Giovanni Motta in 1909 in the mountain village of Serra d'Aiello in Calabria. With his family, he immigrated to the United States in 1911. Although a man of significant means, he eschewed luxury, maintained a frugal lifestyle preferring instead to invest his resources in a larger cause: giving back to the land of his birth. Mr. Mott created the Foundation prior to his death in 1998.

The 2019 John R. Mott Foundation awardees are: Giada Arcidiacono, Raul Arcidiacono, Francesco Bafaro, Luigia Bafaro, Irene Bianco, Mariarita Bianco, Carolina Bruni, Maria Teresa Bruno, Eugenia Bruno Bossio, Greta Calabria, Marco Francesco Calvano, Marianna Candido, Silipo Carmela, Antonio Carnevale, Chiara Carpino, Simone Chiarella, Maria Cristina Chimenti, Martina Ciancio, Alessio Ciechello Gaccio, Sabrina Cicciu', Mariafiorina Cicero, Debora Cidoni, Rosetta Clausi, Maria Cribari, Iris DeCesare, Paolo De Cesare, Bernadette De Filippis, Federica De Rosa, Francesca De Rosa, Luana Docimo, Alessandra Drosi, Lara Duardo, Renee Duardo, Claudia Esposito, Giuseppe Fedele, Giovanna Feraco, Francesca Frisina, Maria Pia Gaudio, Giovanna Grandinetti, Erika Grimaldi, Ilenia Grimaldi, Carmen Guido, Greta Imbrogno, Eva Azzurra Li Trenta, Marta Lioi, Giuseppe Lopez, Giuseppe Macri, Francesca Macri, Maria Macri, Angelo Maida, Francesco Maida, Giulia Maida, Lorella Mannarino, Sabrina Marano, Rosaria Mastroianni Lanni, Andrea Migali, Bruno Migali, Chiara Montesano, Esmeralda Morrone, Chiara Pagliuso, Martina Palermo, Alessio Paradiso, Melissa Paradiso, Francesco Perri, Vincenzo Perri, Angelo Petrelli, Domenico Petrosino, Grazia Piemontese, Vincenzo Pietramala, Simona Pizzardi, Pasquale Posca Sara, Provenzano Debora, Pugliese Lara Riccio, Adele Romano, Manuel Roppo, Valente Giovanna, Ruffino Stefano, Sacco Antonio, Scalese Francesco, Scanga Martina Sdao, Noemi Sgambelluri, Rosina Siciliano, Ermelinda Spagnolo, Giorgia Spina, Eugenia Stillitano, Giuseppe Stillitano, Alessia Suriano, Martina Tamburello, Costantino Taranto, Andrea Tedesco, Teresa Vaccaro, Emilia Valenti Fenice, Valentina Valenti, Renata Vetere, Ilaria Viapiana, Serena Viapiana

The John R. Mott Foundation is a supporting organization of the National Italian American Foundation.


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