Farewell to American Initiative for Italian Culture (AIFIC)

Apr 26, 2019 1051

BY: The Board of Directors of AIFIC

The AIFIC Board of Directors regret to inform our supporters that on March 29th a decision was taken to dissolve the organization. AIFIC is proud of its achievements since its inception and of creating a two way bridge between Italy and the United States through cultural exchanges among young artists of both countries. 

After various attempts to restructure the organization, raise funds and recruit volunteers to help organize events, the Board was unable to secure the human and financial resources needed to continue our successful events like the twinning of the music schools, the poetry readings and the film festivals among others.

However, the Board of Directors is glad to inform that the main project that AIFIC has sustained in Literature, “The Bridge” Book Award, will continue under the auspices of the Center for Fiction in New York, http://www.centerforfiction.org

Maria Gliozzi will continue to be involved with the book award and spearhead efforts with the new non-profit organization. 

We want to thank our supporters and hope they will continue to support “The Bridge” Book Award in its new home in New York.  

We also want to recognize the hard work and dedication of those who have been involved in this adventure, including all the cultural institutions and organizations in Italy and in the United Staes we have partnered with in these years. They helped AIFIC to foster greater appreciation and understanding of both the American and Italian cultures.  

To all our Friends, lovers of Art ad Culture we wish to express again our gratitude for your interest in the American Initiative For Italian Culture. 

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