Nel primo World Social Day l'Italia a Washington torna a essere "hub" della diplomazia digitale.
Un seminario organizzato dall'Ambasciata italiana nella capitale degli Stati Uniti ha puntato i riflettori su come i social network possano essere messi al servizio degli obiettivi dello sviluppo sostenibile.
Dennis Palumbo is a thriller writer and psychotherapist in private practice. He's the auth...
Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS is a leading urologist who received his medical training at ins...
You can tell she fills with excitement when she has the chance to show an important archae...
AGENDA 12.00 – 12.15 Light lunch12.15 – 12.30Welcome addresses Lorenzo Mannelli, MD, PhD...
The National Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools(National CO...
The Department of Italian invites you to a lecture by Fulvio S. Orsitto who is an Associat...
by Claudia Astarita The food farming sector is still one of the engines of Italia...
Italian Premier Paolo Gentiloni will say in a speech to the Center for Strategic and Inter...