NEWS FROM : Art & Heritage  

Si e' svolta ieri 8 gennaio 2013 presso il Glass Pavilion del Museo d'Arte di Toledo (Ohio) la cerimonia di restituzione all'Italia di un vaso etrusco risalente al periodo 520-510 A.C.."La collaborazione con le autorita' americane in questo settore e' una nostra priorita', non solo per il valore artistico ed economico delle opere, ma anche perche'...

KENOSHA — The Italian American Society, 2217 52nd St., will celebrate its 89th Columbus Day banquet Oct. 13. State Rep. Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, will be the master of ceremonies. Each year the society honors an American of Italian decent whom they feel has attained much success and has brought honor and respect to the Italian heritage.  ...

These days, there are a few remnants of the Italian influx that surged to Harrison Street west of downtown Elkhart starting in the early 1900s. There's Michael's, the eatery at the corner of Harrison and Sixth streets that, for 55 years, has served up Italian fare. There's Siciliano's, formerly another Italian restaurant, now a liquor store....

Saugatuck, the once working class, mostly Italian-American section of Westport—the area state officials in the 1950s figured it would be easier to build the Connecticut Turnpike through rather than affluent Greens Farms—got its just deserts today. At the opening of a Westport Historical Society's (WHS) exhibition titled "Saugatuck @ Work—Haven of...

Members and friends of the Columbus Day Celebration Committee will attend a Memorial Mass at 11 a.m. in honor of Christopher Columbus at Historic Holy Family Church, 641 Chrysler Drive (located on the service drive of I-75 South, the Lafayette Exit) in downtown Detroit.   Following Mass, there will be a fellowship in the lower level of the c...

By Ted Roelofs   In the grainy black-and-white photo, taken c. 1920, Pietro Frustaglio sits with his miner's hat in his lap, erect and proud, surrounded by miners that are taller than him. Documents say he stood 5-foot-3 and weighed 147 pounds, dimensions that might not suggest a lifetime of hard physical labor.   But the Italian...

Date: Wednesday, May 04, 2016 - Hours: 6:00 p.m. Site: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago - 500 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 Organized by: WFMT - In collaboration with:   Hear the voices of some of Italy's most exciting 20th century cultural figures during the era of La Dolce Vita...

by Jennifer Winot   AKRON — The 66th annual Italian-American Festival is known for tons of food and plenty of fun. This year's event takes place July 12 through 14 at Lock 3 in downtown Akron. There will be food, live music, fireworks and activities for people of all ages, as well as a raffle.   Read more   Source: h...

Believe it or not, the city of Cleveland has a sister city. And not just any city in the world--an Italian city! Vicenza is located in the northeast region of Veneto and tends to be overshadowed by its better known neighbors Padova and Venezia to the east, and Verona to the west.   Although most Americans have never heard of Vicenza, any res...

With its branded product line, a national market, and a few breakthroughs for export sales, BelGioioso Cheese is a model for the future of Wisconsin's cheese and dairy industry. That statement was made by Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association executive director John Umhoefer to attendees of the "Cows to Curds to Consumers" field day.   The ev...

Si è svolta il 17 settembre 2013 la cerimonia di rinnovo dell'accordo di gemellaggio tra le città di Grand Rapids e Perugia, che quest'anno compie vent'anni, alla presenza del sindaco di Grand Rapids George K. Heartwell e dell'Assessore allo sviluppo economico e al turismo Giuseppe Lomurno. Il giorno seguente ha avuto luogo una 'luncheon ceremony'...

by Sandra Tornberg   On March 8 the FADM held its 15th Anniversary Gala at the Palazzo Grande. Three hundred fifty members and friends were on hand to pay tribute to the founding members who signed the club's charter in 1999: the late Natale Bucciarelli. Mr. Tonino Corsetti, Mr. Gino Di Carlo, Mr. Leonardo Fabiilli, Mrs. Daniela Allega Fucia...