A Look at the Sacred Image of Our Lady of Romitello, Whitestone, New York

Aug 23, 2014 2046

By Giovanni di Napoli

Tuesday (Aug. 19th), I was finally able to go to Saint Luke's Church (16-34 Clintonville Street) in Whitestone, Queens and see the Sacred Image of Our Lady of Romitello. On loan from the Santuario Santa Maria Addolorata di Romitello near Borgetto, in the Province of Palermo, the painting was only on display from August 12th through August 22nd.

Mass was celebrated in Italian with His Excellency, Archbishop Michele Pinnisi, D.D., from Monreale, Sicily. The ceremony included a touching renewal of marriage vows and the blessing of couples. Afterward, parishioners lined up to venerate the Pietà.

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Fonte: Magna Grece

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