Poetic action: The story of two women

Apr 29, 2022 501

Garibaldi Meucci Museum - 420 Tompkins Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305. The Garibaldi Meucci Museum in Staten Island is pleased to present Poetic-Action, a site-specific installation by contemporary artists Anna Lise Jensen and Alyssa Casey.

Poetic-Action is a response to the story of two women, English poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), and Ana Maria de Jesus Ribeiro da Silva (1821-1849)—also known as Anita Garibaldi, the life-companion of General Giuseppe Garibaldi. Curated by Valeria Federici, this exhibition reflects on the role of women in history and on the role of history in the process of understanding and approaching past and current events in their complexity.

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SOURCE: https://garibaldimeuccimuseum.com

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