Di Emanuele Pettener, apparsa "Sul Romanzo" l'11 febbraio 2013 Anthony Julian Tamburri dirige a New York il John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, il più importante centro di studi italoamericani negli Stati Uniti. Cavaliere della Repubblica per meriti culturali, è autore di innumerevoli articoli e di undici libri, fra cui Of Saltimb...
Mercoledì 15 gennaio 2014 si è inaugurata la mostra Una narrazione - Max Pellegrini e Italo Cremona presso l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York. L'evento newyorchese prosegue il percorso iniziato con la mostra Surprise presso la GAM di Torino, visibile fino al 26 gennaio, dedicata ai primi lavori di Pellegrini durante gli anni settanta. All'...
By Vincenzo Pascale Venerdì pomeriggio di forti emozioni per la nutrita delegazione italiana arrivata a City Hall per salutare il sindaco di New York Bill de Blasio. Il sindaco di Airola, Michele Napoletano, piccolo centro della Valle Caudina, Benevento, distante solo sette kilometri dalla ormai famosa Sant'Agata dei Goti, paesino dal quale oltre...
Life changed forever last week for a Fresh Meadows man who was reunited with his sister from Italy, from whom he was separated at birth. It sounds like a movie, but thanks to the efforts of a former Pentagon intelligence analyst who dabbles in genealogy, Peter Hart is now getting to know the older sister he thought he'd never meet."I'm totally in...
Si è svolta domenica scorsa, presso El Caribe Country Club di Brooklyn, la 20esima edizione del "Festival of Songs USA" organizzato dalla conduttrice radiofonica di ICN radio, Silvana Romania. Come sempre, la sala era pienissima, con i partecipanti che hanno assistito ad uno spettacolo che ha regalato emozioni e divertito tutti i presenti. ...
Anyone who spent much time in the West Village in the last decade probably walked by the storefront at 30 West 12th Street, and wondered at its display of sun-faded books with Italian titles gathering dust against a backdrop of drawn curtains. In the fast-morphing landscape of downtown Manhattan, the window marked "S.F. VANNI" in delicate...
Noi Italiani D'Oggi (NIDO), the not-for-profit Italian-American cultural group headquartered in Poughkeepsie, has proclaimed October to be Italian Heritage Month, and it will kick off the festa with a special lecture at its monthly meeting at the Italian Center: Professor Joseph Luzzi, PhD will talk about his latest book, In a Dark Wood: What Dante...
October 21 (Wednesday) 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. NCC 27th Annual Italian Heritage Day Program. Theme: "The Italian Contributions to the United States from Food to Science". Focus on Italian contributions in the realm of food, especially Slow Food movement and science and technology - the latter originating during World War II and currently...
In 1532 Agnolo Bronzino was commissioned by the Florentine merchant and banker Bartolomeo Bettini to paint the portraits of three literary masters of the Italian Renaissance: Dante, Petrarch, and Boccacio. The paintings of Petrarch and Boccacio sadly have been lost, but Bronzino's masterful Allegorical Portrait of Dante been well preserved...
by NOIAW Carin Guarasci - Professor of Education & Director of New Educators at Wagner College. Carin will be honored at our Greater New York Region Epiphany on January 13, 2016. Buy tickets here. WHAT DOES YOUR HERITAGE MEAN TO YOU?Being an Italian is so meaningful to me. I feel I am blessed to be surrounded by beau...
by Geoffrey Wilson For attendees grabbing a bite at Festa Italiana, everything from the pizza to the cannolis should feel welcoming. "It's like eating at your grandma's house," said Ernie Bruno, Italian Center president. Italian foods from pasta to zeppole were the highlight at Festa Italiana in the City of Poughkeepsie Saturday....
Join us on Sunday, July 17, 2016 for our Annual Members Appreciation Day and enjoy a fun filled day of delicious food, music, family, friends and being appreciated for your support of the San Silverio Shrine! Shrine Schedule & Activities 9:00 AM – Shrine opens10:30 AM - Rosary Service in Chapel11:00 AM - Holy Mass at Shrine Chapel ·...