NCC 27th Annual Italian Heritage Day Program

Oct 17, 2015 1397

October 21 (Wednesday) 9:00 am - 12:15 pm. NCC 27th Annual Italian Heritage Day Program. Theme: "The Italian Contributions to the United States from Food to Science". Focus on Italian contributions in the realm of food, especially Slow Food movement and science and technology - the latter originating during World War II and currently conducting important research on hypersonic speed in U.S. Session 1. 9:30 - 10:45 am: Slow Food Movement; Session 2. 11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Italian Technology in the United States.

Sponsored by Nassau Community College. CCB Building 252-253 - 1 Education Drive, Garden City, NY. Admission: free; open to the public. Contact: Dr. Salvatore LaGumina 516-572-7422. [email protected]

Source: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute

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