Replica of Christopher Columbus' Pinta ship docked in Louisville until July

Jun 22, 2023 1110

People will have a chance to know what it felt like to sail the ocean blue back in 1492. You can get a glimpse of that history at the Louisville Wharf at 131 West River Road. A replica of Christopher Columbus' Pinta docked there on Tuesday and will offer guided tours beginning Thursday, June 22 until Tuesday, July 4 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.

Tickets are $8 for adults, $7 for seniors and military and $6 for children 5-16. Children four and under are free. The ship was built by 8th-generation Portuguese shipwrights using the same methods and hand tools that were used to build the original in the 15th century. The Pinta was the first ship to sight land back in October 1492.

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