NEWS FROM : Business & Lifestyle  

The Concorso Ferrari 2018 was held Sunday, April 22 in Old Town Pasadena, California. This marked the 11th year that the Ferrari Club of America — Southwest Region organized and hosted their annual signature event. Also known as Ferraris on Colorado, the event showcased over 140 of the finest vintage and contemporary Ferraris — which lined three bl...

La città di Genova si presenta al mondo economico e industriale di San Francisco e Silicon Valley. Obiettivo della missione di marketing territoriale, organizzata dal Comune di Genova e guidata dal sindaco Marco Bucci, su invito del Consolato Generale d'Italia a San Francisco attirare investimenti, turismo, imprese. Inoltre, su iniziativa del conso...

"Not an artist - Toyboyz Edition" è la mostra che sarà inaugurata domani, mercoledì 6 giugno, negli spazi dell’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Los Angeles, che l’ha organizzata insieme allo IED - Istituto Europeo di Design. La mostra, in programma sino al 20 settembre, indaga il fenomeno artistico del Toy Design attraverso il lavoro di quattro illu...

Con la conferenza “Fermi’s Legacy: from La Sapienza to the Bay Area a San Francisco”, si è celebrata in California il 5 maggio scorso la Giornata della Ricerca Italiana nel Mondo. Ad organizzare l'evento, il Consolato Generale e l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura di San Francisco, in collaborazione con il nuovo Bay Area Chapter dell'ISSNAF, fondazione...

After bringing to the Bay Area events on such iconic masters of Italian design as Vico Magistretti (2014) and Achille Castiglioni (2017), the Italian Cultural Institute decided to put together an initiative that would offer San Francisco audiences a topic that combines the qualities of historical discourse with the imaginative vision of contemporar...

“It’s just a feast,” says Adele Spalluto Hubbard as she reflects on her family’s personally vetted retail collection of handmade, hand-painted Italian ceramics. “They are exactly like a painting, hand done with a brush, painstakingly made with love, and that’s the charm.” Thirty-five years ago, her father, Ben Spalluto, an Italian immigrant, starte...

Nell'ambito del Piano per la promozione straordinaria del Made in Italy e misure per l’attrazione degli investimenti, ICE Agenzia organizza una fiera collettiva italiana alla Maker Faire di Bay Area, San Francisco, che si terrà dal 18 al 20 maggio presso il San Mateo Event Center. Si tratta dell'iniziativa a carattere internazionale più importante...

Addio al sogno della California a basso prezzo per i turisti del Nord Italia. La compagnia norvegese specializzata nei voli low cost a lungo raggio ha dovuto posticipare, a causa di un problema tecnico ai motori Rolls Royce, l'avvio della sua rotta diretta Milano Malpensa - Los Angeles all'estate 2019 (12 ore e 15 minuti di volo con prezzi abbordab...

Sunday, May 20, at 4pm. San Francisco Italian Athletic Club - 1630 Stockton st., San Francisco. Following the great success of last year’s show, the Leonardo Da Vinci Society presents the second edition of The Italian Fashion Show, in collaboration with the San Francisco Italian Athletic Club, Madonna del Lume and with the support of Le Donne d’Ita...

The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures designed by Italian starchitect Renzo Piano is to open its doors to the public in Los Angeles in 2019. The museum is dedicated to the Hollywood dream factory past, present and future. "I have built a lot of museums, but this is really special," said Piano at the New York presentation attended by director Kerry...

Frank Magnasco, a California native, recently returned back to the Golden State after working as a bartender in New York for 13 years. Once in San Diego, he picked up at Little Italy’s Juniper & Ivy, just seven months ago. Throughout his years working behind the bar, he was always fascinated by the creativity and inventive nature of cocktail compet...

Italy’s Daniel Mancinelli won a spirited battle with Finland’s Toni Vilander Sunday in a battle of Ferrari 488 GT3 sports car drivers, scoring his first Pirelli World Challenge GT Sprint race win at the 44th Annual Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach.Mancinelli, a three-time PWC GT SprintX winner in 2017, drove his No. 31 TR3 Racing Ferrari 488 GT3 mac...