NEWS FROM : Business & Lifestyle  

La solennità dell'occasione ha richiamato oltre 500 partecipanti al gala svoltosi venerdì nella sala ricevimenti Cipriani sulla 42nd Street per festeggiare il anniversario di fondazione della Italy-America Chamber of Commerce, la più antica sul territorio americano.Durante la sua lunga esistenza la Camera è stata testimone di tragici eventi:...

Bauli, the leading creator of authentic Italian holiday cakes and pastries, is announcing its official launch in the United States, available at retailers, including: Fairway, Whole Foods and Duane Reade stores nationwide.   Bauli has been the confectionary leader in Italy for over 80 years and its line of products will introduce traditional...

With 2716 innovative new small companies registered, thw Italian startups ecosystem is growing fast. In this developing scenario young Italian entrepreneurs have to re-think about their strategies to get funds for their projects, even considering to surf toward new markets to boost their businesses.   For the new generation of businessmen th...

POSITION: Broadcast Associate   DESCRIPTION: The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute of Queens College/CUNY seeks applications for the position of Broadcast Associate, who will report to the Dean and work closely with the Producer of the TV program, ITALICS. This a 32-hour per week position.   Read more   Source: h...

"E visto che ci stai già pensando, pensa in grande. Niente e nessuno possono impedirti di farlo" Wall Street - 1987 E' il pensiero che meglio riassume la nostra esperienza con ItaliaCamp: nati in un sottoscala universitario, cresciuti tra: Ascoli, Lecce, Catanzaro, Milano, Napoli e Verona, passando poi in tutte le regioni d'Italia p...