Peter Cocoziello, Sr. Scholarship (2015) Offered by CIIAC

Mar 04, 2015 1735

Apply for the Peter Coco­ziello, Sr. Schol­ar­ship now! Two win­ners will be cho­sen. Each win­ner will be receive a $2500 schol­ar­ship.

This schol­ar­ship is intended for high school grad­u­at­ing seniors who are of Ital­ian descent. Cer­tain cri­te­ria has to be met: finan­cial need, aca­d­e­mic stand­ing and the sub­mis­sion of a char­ac­ter essay. The required 500 word essay should focus on the sig­nif­i­cance of Ital­ian her­itage in the student’s life and on his/her per­sonal, edu­ca­tional and pro­fes­sional goals.

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