Raised $5000 to support AP Italian Program thanks to the commitment of COMITES that, on this occasion, has opened a fundraising activity. The FAA/USA (Federazione delle Associazioni Abruzzesi) has replied positively this year, too. Gizio's, Paesani d'Italia's and Aprutium's contributions have made the AP program even stronger. An important contribution has also come from the Federazione Associazioni Italiane.
A special thank-you to all the Associations and in particular to Comites (Presidente Maurizio Pasquale and Andrea Boggio, charged with the Italian language and culture), for the exciting initiative that we hope will become a regular appointment for the Italian community. Other $2,500 have been raised thanks to the Concert The Classic, promoted by the Grand Lodge of MA O.S.I.A. in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Boston, under Lino Rullo's careful direction that made possible the musicians arrival from Italy, thus offering an unforgettable Italian music evening.
Source: Italian Consulate in Boston
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