The Italian contribution to the world’s largest telescope

Jul 01, 2016 492

Soon, the world's largest telescope will be built in Chile and named "E-ELT", European – Extremely Large Telescope. It will have a mirror of 39 meters in diameter; the diameter of its rotating dome will be 85 meters and it will rise almost 80 meters above the ground. Its total weight that will be 5,000 tons. Such a massive project would not have been possible without a significant Italian contribution.

Recently the European southern observatory (ESO) signed the most important contract ever in the field of observing the sky from Earth, involving an investment of about 400 million euro. The awarded consortium includes two important Italian companies such as Astaldi, a major construction and engineering company based in Rome, and Cimolai, a leading firm in manufacturing machines for lifting and transportation operation.

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Fonte: This is Italy

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