by Laura Cavestri   The Italian government plans to keep fighting for "Made In" labelling. As the Vice Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda (who also oversees international trade) has explained: it's yes to a "Made In" limited to five sectors - ceramics, footwear and textile-clothing as proposed by the EU Commission, but also incl...

by John Kleiner   On April 24th, Samantha Cristoforetti, Italy's first female astronaut, took time off from her regular duties in the International Space Station to read from the Divine Comedy. She picked the opening canto of the Paradiso, in which Dante describes his ascent through the circle of fire and his approach toward God: I was with...

Italy's most progressive exhibition of sustainable cooking commences this Thursday, when the Michelin-starred chef Massimo Bottura throws open the doors of Refettorio Ambrosiano, the once-derelict theater repurposed to educate and feed the refugees and working poor who reside far across town from the multinational pavilions welcoming culinary touri...

by Barbara Minafra   Una cascata capace di scrivere messaggi di benvenuto con le gocce d'acqua, un'ampia scalinata che accoglie i visitatori e un orto verticale pieno di piantine che profumano di basilico, menta o rosmarino la terrazza. ll Padiglione a stelle e strisce che racconta il concetto alimentare americano 2.0, è un edificio progett...

by Silvia Simonetti   In the world's eyes, groundbreaking robotic innovations are usually associated with the high-tech research carried out in leading countries like the U.S. or Japan. Nevertheless, Italy as well boasts a very productive robotics sector, which is one of the best examples of our creativity, programming and manufacturing sk...

The way we sit around the table to dine together but also what we eat can tell so much not only about our gastronomic habits but also about our culture and identity. It's quite an experience to see how the gastronomic costumes of a nation have changed during the years in correspondence with its most important historical, social and political events...

As the last Bloomberg Ranking's analysis of global health report, Italy is the second healthiest country in the world. If the old italian proverb, "la salute prima di tutto" ("Health first") is right, this is the perfect first Italian Good News of this 2016.   To rank the healthiest countries on Earth, Bloomberg created the health scores and...

How to tell if it's really Extra Virgin? To start off, let's make one thing perfectly clear--light or extra light olive oil is just that--clear and light in color. It doesn't refer to calories. It refers to lack of color--and flavor. Extra virgin oil should be a strong color and flavor, and often has an opaque appearance. (See "cloudy olive oi...

A fresco-covered Roman villa, found underneath a church on Italy's sun-kissed Amalfi coast, is set to open to the public for the first time in July. The opening of the villa was announced by Italy's Culture Undersecretary, Antimo Cesaro, on Saturday. Cesaro told Ansa the ruin was "a perfectly preserved archaeological treasure of enormous...

After many words, finally comes the official press release of the University Federico II of Naples: the iOS Developers Academy opened in partnership with Apple, starting from the month of October. Here is all the info for those who want to enroll in. The academy for the iOS developer will be officially opened in Naples in the month of October 2016...

La ricchezza che in Italia è legata al patrimonio dell'arte, della cultura, dell'architettura e del paesaggio naturale non è quantificabile. Si tratta di un vero e proprio capitale di valore inestimabile, che affonda le proprie radici nell'esperienza di quella bellezza e di quella cultura del "bel vivere" che appartengono al Dna della nostra peniso...

Enrico Dini is not a cautious man. In 2005, the Italian adapted a piece of machinery from the shoe factory he worked in and made it print a robotic arm out of sand and resin. Buoyed by his success, the inventor realised that a machine with the ability to print stone objects could have a transformative effect on the housing industry, and started dra...