A rise in the sale of lentils and grapes, traditional symbols of good luck to be eaten on New Year's Eve, has been reported as Italians prepare to see in the New Year, farm group Coldiretti said Tuesday. It released the results of a survey showing that two out of every three Italians intend to eat New Year's Eve dinner at home, planning to spend a...

Brescia batte Germania 10 a 8. Già, perché la nostra provincia è quella ad avere il maggior valore aggiunto industriale d'Europa: 10,1 miliardi contro gli 8,6 del Wolfsburg. Sono questi i dati di sintesi emersi da un studio di fondazione Edison e Confindustria Bergamo.   Al secondo posto della classifica troviamo Bergamo (9,73 miliardi), al...

Bronte is a Sicilian town of about 20,000 inhabitants. It is situated in the province of Catania and is famous all over the world because is the major centre of the production of pistachio nuts. Located at the bottom of Mount Etna, the volcano that Sicilians love to call 'AMuntagna (i.e. 'the mountain' in local dialect), Bronte offers the perfect h...

For Italians, and Romans in particular, the Open is not just a tennis tournament where champions are crowned and a piece of history of the game is written. The "Internazionali", as the Italian Open is commonly referred to over there, is much more than that. It's a society event.   Tennis fans come from all over the country to pack the stands...

By Nikkitha Bakshani   Everybody loves Italian food. Everybody loves deep-fried food. Put them together and you have a handful of dishes that are so delicious that it's bonkers. While you won't find any of these foods on our list of the 10 Iconic Italian Foods Everyone Should Be Able to Make, we included recipes to go along with all of these...

American actor Mark Ruffalo, two time nominee for the Oscar and played the role in the Marvel action blockbuster "Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron", will receive a special prize during his appareance as one of the special guests at the Giffoni Film Festival, an international festival for children's films.   On Saturday, Ruffalo has met the fi...

di Ivan Burroni   Italia, piccolo stivale che racchiude dentro sé una miriade di mondi diversi. Ma se c'è una cosa che accomuna tutti gli italiani in vacanza, dalle montagne altoatesine alle spiagge dei borghi del sud, è la voglia di vivere all'aperto. Cena e serata inclusa.   Ecco 10 tra dehors, terrazze, locali sulla spiaggia, dove...

by Chiara Beghelli It's very typical among Italians to claim "the olive oil from my region is the best one." Who knows, maybe it's a kind of legacy of the ancient fight between "Comuni," the capital cities of small territories, in Medieval times. Anyway, there is no question that the olive oil from Umbria region is really among the best of It...

by Umberto Marengo   Italy's export increased by 11% from 2011 to July 2015. This provided an important lifeline to the Italian economy in the second phase of its double dip recession from 2011 to 2014. The drivers of Italy's positive export performance were essentially three: the global economic recovery, domestic wage compression and price...

Il 19enne italiano si è regalato un'impresa storica battendo il tedesco Domenic Weinstein nella finalissima di Londra: i colori azzurri non riuscivano a vincere una medaglia d'oro su pista addirittura da 19 anni   Un'impresa destinata a rimanere nella storia del ciclismo su strada italiano. Filippo Ganna, 19enne di Verbania, ha completa...

by Claudia Astarita   Cinecittà is a Rome-based large film studio that is still considered the hub of Italian cinema. People used to say that "All dreams can come true" in Cinecittà, and indeed through years this location has become a legend in both Italy and Europe.   Actually, Cinecittà counts for the largest film studio in Europe,...

One of the best-known symbols of Sicilian folk iconography, the cart was created as a means of transport that responded to practical needs, but went on to be transformed into a vehicle for cultural transmission.   Sculpture and painting were applied its various constituent parts to represent moments from the island's history, or from epic st...