Forget the secret garden, this is the secret neighbourhood of Rome. Tucked behind the main streets of Quartiere Trieste between piazza Buenos Aires and via Tagliamento, is the bizarre and elaborate district of Coppedè. I was shown this magical place by my Roman man, obscured from the view of daily passers-by I was unaware it existed. Ok, so Rome is...

A vending machine that can make a pizza, in just three minutes, has been raising eyebrows in Rome since it was installed near Piazza Bologna in recent days. The pizza dispenser, called Mr. Go, is active around the clock and offers four flavours: margherita, quattro formaggi, diavola, and pancetta. Prices range from €4.50 to €6. Just insert the coin...

The island of Ischia is the largest of the islands in the Gulf of Naples and offers a wide variety of accommodation and holiday opportunities: although it has an area of only about 47 square kilometres, there are six different municipalities with different administrations: Forio, Ischia, Lacco Ameno, Casamicciola, Serrara Fontana and Barano. The vi...

The President and Board of Trustees of The American University of Rome today announced that actor, writer, and producer, Stanley Tucci, has been nominated as their honorary degree recipient for 2021. The degree will be conferred at their annual commencement ceremony on 21 May 2021.  In making the announcement, AUR’s President, Dr. Scott Sprenger, s...

As of every month the Rome Chapter of the Order Sons adn Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) organizes a Business Meeting, inviting a personality from the world of business and / or professions to give a speech on a topical issue.Next Thursday, April 29, from 7 pm on the Zoom platform, there will be a keynote speech, by attorney Paolo Zagami, on...

At the end of October, we found ourselves in Rome with a canceled return flight to England, but it wasn’t difficult to plan how to spend the next few days until we could return home. We were spoilt for choice. All the usual sights were uncrowded, and without its usual chaotic traffic, Rome was easy to navigate. We were tempted to go further afield...

At first glance, this super-sized garlic bulb might recall the whimsy of the Mad Hatter’s tea party. Or it might not even seem edible at all, resembling more of an object  –  an ornament to bedeck the desk of a food lover. The Slow Food-protected Aglione (large garlic) delle Val di Chiana, an area of Tuscany sprawled between Siena and Arezzo, belon...

The city of Genoa, in the region of Liguria, lives with and by the Mediterranean. And it’s time to make the sea a protagonist once again. Thanks to the Waterfront of Levante project by Renzo Piano. Giving the sea back to Genoa “I hope Genoa can reappropriate of the sea,” Piano said, “the water will win over the concrete.” Indeed, this is an eco-fri...

Relaxation, fun, culture and art are the key words to describe the Romagna Riviera. One of the most popular summer destinations in Italy, the Riviera is the ideal place to spend a vacation with the whole family. A fashionable destination, with a clean and safe sea that bathes some of the most beautiful beaches in Europe. Let's leave for the Romagna...

Wine has always played a dominant role in Italian cuisine and culture—although the regions of this thoroughly wine-centric country vary widely in terms of terroirs and traditions. Aosta Valley, the smallest of the 20 regions, is sandwiched in the northwestern corner between France, Switzerland, and Piedmont. Its diminutive size, high-altitude topog...

The Uffizi Gallery in Florence used the winter COVID shutdown to push ahead with renovations, discovering lost frescoes that will greet visitors when the leading repository of Italian Renaissance art reopens on May 4. Uffizi director Eike Schmidt said the six months of closure were put to good use: renovating 14 new rooms that will open to the publ...

Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Quartet belongs to the literary canon of women’s literature, telling a bildungsroman of friendship and feminism. The four books are narrated by Elena (Lenù) Greco and follow her and her best friend Raffaella (Lila) Cerullo, beginning with their adolescence in Naples and following them through the divergent paths they tak...