by Claudia Astarita   Andrea Pugliese, an expert in job policies, has just launched the Art Hub Carrara as a unique Italian incubator for the professions related to contemporary art. Pugliese's idea was the one of connecting the manufacturer sector with the digital one as well as of mixing tradition and modernity.   Art Hub aims at fo...

by Tiziana Grassi   La Grande Emigrazione italiana tra Otto e Novecento ha trovato il suo giusto quadro in un prestigioso lavoro scientifico: il Dizionario Enciclopedico delle Migrazioni Italiane nel Mondo. L'ex presidente della Repubblica Giorgio Napolitano, nel suo saluto agli italiani nel mondo, lo ha definito "una vera e propria summa di...

An Italian doctor has been getting dramatic results with a new type of treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, which affects up to 2.5 million people worldwide. In an initial study, Dr. Paolo Zamboni took 65 patients with relapsing-remitting MS, performed a simple operation to unblock restricted bloodflow out of the brain – and two years after the...

by Andrea Biondi   The creativity that characterizes "Made in Italy" products is also an industry that accounts for 2.9% of the country's GDP, as shown in a study called "Creative Italy," conducted by EY with the support of the Ministry of Culture and of the main trade associations in the country's cultural sector, including SIAE, the Italia...

In a basement room on a street where motor bikes and honking horns drown out even the insistent church bells, Davide Tofani is working on a typical Neapolitan soft jacket. "When I make a suit, it is like shaping a second skin of my customer," the tailor says. "I cannot imagine making a suit without knowing the body that will use it."   Over...

More than €1 million a day, Saturdays and Sundays included. For the Italian machine tools, the US is the first foreign market, able to absorb slightly less than €400 million of Made in Italy products in 2015, twice as much the pre-crisis level.   Orders that allowed the Italian technology to gain the third place among the main suppliers of t...

Italian theaters are universally known for their unsurpassed excellence, especially since the "architectural revolution" that took place between the 18th and 19th century, giving rise to modern structures whose technical and stylistic features became a standard exported all over the world: a horseshoe seating layout ("inventing" the first auditoriu...

Paolo Sorrentino's "The Great Beauty," a tribute to Rome's decadence and magnificence amid Italy's current paralysis, is Italy's candidate for the foreign-language Academy Award race. Considered a Berlusconi-era homage to Fededrico Fellini, in particular to "La Dolce Vita," Sorrentino's latest stars Toni Servillo ("Il Divo") as a novelist with wri...

If you've spent time in Italy you know that life in Italy and life in America are very different. While both cultures have their pros and cons, we think Americans can learn a lot from the way Italians live.   Traditionally, Italians have an easy-going and positive outlook on how to go about daily life. Italians live "la vita bella" (the beau...

Domani dalle 10 alle 11 nella sala stampa della Camera (via della Missione 4), si terrà la conferenza stampa "Cooperazione universitaria Italia-Usa. Il ruolo dell'università La Sapienza a New York".   Interverranno: Fucsia Fitzgerald Nissoli, Adriano Redler, preside della Facoltà di Medicina dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza" e prorettore...

A rise in the sale of lentils and grapes, traditional symbols of good luck to be eaten on New Year's Eve, has been reported as Italians prepare to see in the New Year, farm group Coldiretti said Tuesday. It released the results of a survey showing that two out of every three Italians intend to eat New Year's Eve dinner at home, planning to spend a...

Brescia batte Germania 10 a 8. Già, perché la nostra provincia è quella ad avere il maggior valore aggiunto industriale d'Europa: 10,1 miliardi contro gli 8,6 del Wolfsburg. Sono questi i dati di sintesi emersi da un studio di fondazione Edison e Confindustria Bergamo.   Al secondo posto della classifica troviamo Bergamo (9,73 miliardi), al...