by Ondine Cohane & Ed Smith   For a quieter and less crowded alpine experience, head to this ski oasis on the Italy-Austria border. Skiing the Dolomites may prompt the following question, "Am I in the Alps?" Geographically, of course, the answer would be yes.   Shooting up some 10,000 feet from the chain's southeast foothills, th...

January 7 is the National Day of the Flag and this year Italy celebrates the 219th anniversary of the birth of the First Tricolore, was invented in the city of Reggio Emilia in 1797, as the flag of the Republic Cispadana. That day, the representatives of four cities (Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna and Ferrara) proclaimed the tricolour flag with red...

by Claudia Astarita   "Visit Italy's magnificent monuments on your rail trip!" – that's how the InterRail webpage advertises itself, adding that, as an assortment of mesmerising attractions, "Italy has something for every traveller". As most people know, the InterRail pass is a railway ticket, available only to European residents and al...

Archaeologists in Italy have discovered what may be a rare sacred text in the lost Etruscan language that is likely to yield rich details about Etruscan worship of a god or goddess.   The lengthy text is inscribed on a large sandstone slab that was embedded in the foundations of a monumental Italian temple where it had been buried for more t...

by Serena Perfetto   The beauty of the Italian Maiolica and the Renaissance Lustre Pottery have been the main topics of the lecture held by professor Justin Raccanello and hosted by the De Young Museum in San Francisco a few weeks ago. The story of these handcrafted ceramics goes back to the Renaissance but only in the 19th century Italian f...

I don't need another liquid pleasure—the world of wine is big enough. But I recently visited Vittorio Gianni Capovilla in northern Italy and discovered another realm of complex aromas and flavors, in Capovilla's prized grappas and other distilled spirits.   "Taste this," said Capovilla. At 70, with his bushy eyebrows and gleaming gray e...

Date: November 18, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Location: Florence, Italy   THE EVENT On November 18, EY and IB&II are proud to bring the "Italy meets the United States of America" series, for the first time, to Florence at Sala dei Cinquecento. This will be one-of-a-kind summit, which will build on the New York Feb 23 discussions. It...

L'Agroalimentare "made in Italy nel mondo vale 36,7 miliardi di euro all'anno e cresce, quest'anno, del 7,4%. Ma per sapere dove va e da dove parte l'export, quali sono i maggiori mercati di sbocco e i prodotti più apprezzati arriva la mappa "L'agroalimentare italiano nel mondo", realizzata dalla Camera di commercio di Milano e Coldiretti, con Prom...

New Jersey native Giuseppe Rossi has made a move from la Liga club Villarreal to Serie A side Fiorentina, reportedly for a transfer fee in the range of $12.45 million.Rossi, who has been sidelined for over a year while rehabbing from a torn ACL, inked a four-year contract with Fiorentina, with is expected to pay over $2.5 million annually and can o...

Il Montasio si conferma sesta forza nazionale tra i formaggi di latte vaccino, con la produzione e le vendite sostanzialmente inalterate rispetto all'anno precedente e l'export che segna un netto aumento. Questi i principali dati emersi ieri, a Codroipo, dove l'assemblea dei soci, presieduta da Franco Pancera, ha approvato il bilancio d'esercizio...

Giornata speciale al Giffoni Experience che, sabato, ha visto sfilare i primi ospiti internazionali con Paul e Mira Sorvino. L'attore italoamericano si è lasciato intervistare dai giovani giurati a Valle Piana, dove è arrivato per raccontare la sua carriera insieme alla figlia, Premio Oscar nel 1996. "Per me l'Italia è bellissima - dice - è la patr...

La spending review familiare ci fa mangiare meno pane. Siamo in buona compagnia, peraltro, persino i francesi tagliano sulla baguette. Non è solo una questione di budget, io per prima non vado tutti i giorni dal fornaio, e in casa non faccio mancare le gallette di riso o di farro, perfetto e insapore alter ego dietetico del pane fragrante.  ...