La visita, in programma dal 14 giugno al 3 luglio, presentata in una conferenza stampa in Municipio. Dal 14 giugno al 3 luglio, il sindaco Federico Pizzarotti sarà negli Stati Uniti. Non sarà una vacanza: il primo cittadino sarà infatti ospite del Governo Americano nell'ambito del progetto "Local Government Addressing Global Issues".  ...

Nestled in the green heart of Italy, Umbria, the medieval village simply known as Il Borgo can be yours. Get ready for some property porn, by looking through the gallery of this ultimate dream home for many. There is nothing like being able to call a place your home, for those 4 walls to be yours, to have personalized it with your taste and yo...

by Emanuele Scarci   According to Federalimentare's (the industry's association) research center, food export has grown by 7% reaching €21.2 billion in the first nine months of 2015, showing a significant stabilization after the +7.3% of the first eight months and the +6.8% of the first seven months. Wine is still leading the way of Ita...

This three-week summer program, to be held for the second year in a row at the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende) takes place June 13 through July 1 and is designed to introduce participants (doctoral students and professors) to cultural studies of the Italian Diaspora from a variety of academic perspectives.   This is the second y...

If I could introduce one aspect of the Italian dining experience to America, it wouldn't be the tomatoes so sweet I eat them like apples or the rich extra virgin olive oil or prosciutto as lean as an Italian model. It would be Federico.   Federico is a waiter at 72 Ore, my favorite pizzeria in Rome. It's not because he serves a pizza in whic...

If you don't have plans for a luxurious Italian vacation anytime soon, this hypnotizing GoPro video of Italy from above is the next best thing. Take in the incredible range of vistas, from snowy mountains to blue-green lakes to ancient castles by the sea. It's like a visual heir to Charles Dickens' book reflecting on his travels in Italy.  ...

According to data for the first half of 2016, released by, the real estate website dedicated to foreigners who wish to buy a property in Italy, the demand for real estate from abroad grew by 52.4% compared at the same time past year.   In detail, the average price of properties required stood at 435,000 euro, more than 67% rela...

by Elena Delfino Innovative start-ups in Italy are in fine shape; internationalization, however, remains a major challenge, according to the ninth quarterly report on the main demographic and financial trends of cutting-edge Italian start-ups.   As of September 30, innovational start-ups listed in the register of businesses had grown by 420...

by Rob Lovitt   Violating the first rule of visiting a museum — look but don't touch the art — an American tourist in Italy has generated shock and outrage by snapping the finger off a 600-year-old statue at a museum in Florence.   According to the Italian newspaper, Corriere Fiorentino, the snap heard around the art world took place...

On behalf of the Board of Trustees and the Presidential Search Committee I am enormously pleased to announce the selection of Mark Robbins as the President and CEO-elect of the American Academy in Rome.   In January 2014 Mark will succeed Adele Chatfield-Taylor, FAAR'84, who has led the Academy for twenty-five remarkably transformative years...

"Torneremo a Milano con un padiglione": così il presidente americano Barack Obama ha annunciato, nel corso della conferenza stampa con il premier Matteo Renzi, a Roma, la partecipazione degli Stati Uniti all'Expo di Milano, che si terrà nel 2015.   Quello americano era l'ultimo grande sì atteso dagli organizzatori dell'esposizione universale...

Pierrel segnala una forte avanzata delle vendite sul mercato Usa, imputabile soprattutto al successo dell' anestetico dentale (articaina) prodotto in asepsi nello stabilimento di Capua.   Fabio Velotti, amministratore unico della controllata Pierrel Pharma ha comunicato i dati relativi ai volumi di vendita raggiunti nel corso del primo trime...