INTERNAZIONALIZZARE L'IMPRESA NEGLI STATI UNITI   Aspetti societari, fiscali e giuridici. Seminario a Verona 18 Marzo 2013 Il seminario - organizzato dall'Ordine dei Commercialisti e a quello degli Avvocati di Verona- si terrà a Verona venerdì 12 aprile dalle 15.00 alle 18.00.   Vogliamo segnalare in particolare l'intervento dell'av...

Va alle Marche, prima Regione italiana ad ottenerlo, il premio European Entrepreneurial Regions 2014, il Premio Regione Imprenditoriale Europea del Comitato delle Regioni d'Europa. Il riconoscimento verra' assegnato il 3 luglio dal presidente Ramon Luis Valcarcel, durante la prossima sessione plenaria del Comitato delle Regioni della Ue.   L...

University students in the United States say they love Italy and would like to study here, to better sample its food and because they love Italian fashion, according to a survey presented Thursday.   According to the poll conducted by the Italy-USA Foundation and Loyola University in Chicago, 99.03% of students polled who had never travelled...

La cucina povera. Often translated as "the food of the poor," the term seems unlikely to make mouths water or inspire serious foodies to blow their vacation budget on a cooking course.   But in and around the city of Lecce, deep in Italy's heel, a crop of culinary schools and solo cooking teachers is encouraging travelers to embrace this tra...

Alfa Romeo is about to go through a new restructuring process. As a result of this, it will come out from under the wing of the Fiat Chrysler group and become a brand unto itself.   The news comes from the folks at Automotive News, who spoke with sources within the Italian-American corporations.   Read more   Source: http:...

È stato pubblicato il Rapporto MAECI – ENIT sul turismo per il 2015 relativo agli USA. Il documento intende mettere a disposizione delle Istituzioni e degli operatori del settore turistico informazioni utili a diversificare l'offerta italiana rispetto a quella di altri concorrenti, delineando per ciascun Paese un quadro macro-economico e un'analisi...

"Renting 'prestige' cars in Italy (including Ferraris) is fairly common for well-funded car enthusiasts," says Brian Dore, with Concierge in Umbria. "I'm sure that your reader has visions of 'opening it up' and zipping around from town to town passing everyone in sight.   The reality is that the roads in the Tuscan countryside are typically...

It is common belief that the first bicycle with pedals appeared in Italy around 1867, in the form of a French-made model. One short year later, a variety of Italian two-wheel vehicles could be seen on the streets, mostly made in the Northern regions of the country – in Turin, Monza, Verona, Padua, Florence, and Novara.   The first bicyc...

We all know of the gold standard, but have you heard of the cheese standard? Credito Emiliano bank, in the Emilia Romagna region of northern Italy, has been accepting giant wheels of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese as collateral for small-business loans since 1953.   The unusual banking method is now the subject of a new Harvard Business Sch...

by Elisabetta Povoledo   The Santa Maria Antiqua church in the Roman forum, which dates to the first centuries of Christianity, is reopening to visitors after a 36-year restoration. An exhibition that starts Thursday and runs until Sept. 11 traces the complex history of the church, partly buried by rubble from the Palatine Hill in an ea...

World renowned Italian fashion designer, Giorgio Armani, has pledged to go 100 percent fur-free across all his labels from the Autumn/Winter 2016 collections onward.   The historic move by the Armani group follows years of animal rights activists campaigning for brands to drop the use of fur, with many groups putting their message across wit...

Even if the passion for kava is common to most countries in the world, with some (I am looking at you, Finland) even consuming more of it per capita than Italy itself, the relationship we Italians have with our favourite beverage is the stuff of legend: always ready to criticise a less-than-heavenly brew, we will judge your hosting capabilities on...