As a former international supermodel, Maria Liberati never dreamed that she would go from being a fashion diva to a domestic diva. Ironically, while jet-setting off to modeling assignments around the world, Maria became closer to the simplicity of life and food in the country setting of her family’s vineyard in the mountains of central Italy. She b...

Many of us spend the Halloween season revisiting our favorite horror movies or tracking down hidden gems. Often, our watch lists are filled with the familiar names of directors who have shaped the genre from North America: Carpenter, Craven, Cronenberg, Romero. But the release this weekend of Luca Guadagnino’s remake of “Suspiria” recalls another g...

Cinque giovani ricercatori italiani che lavorano negli Stati Uniti si sono aggiudicati i prestigiosi ISSNAF Awards 2018, il 23 ottobre all’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington nell’ambito dell’Annual Event di ISSNAF (Italian Scientists and Scholars of North America Foundation), la fondazione che riunisce 4.000 scienziati italiani in Nord America e che...

Il segnale del canali del Gruppo Rai (Rai Italia, Rai World Premium, Rai News24) in Nord America è attualmente accessibile attraverso 18 differenti operatori presenti su tutto il territorio nazionale e attivi su tutte le tecnologie distributive principali (satellite, cavo, OTT). Fra tali partner distributivi non è più presente Dish Network perché,...

I was minding my own dang business last week, scrolling through my social media pages, when I noticed a post, on one of my Italian-America groups, that made me shake my head. Even if you’re not Italian, you probably have a visceral reaction every time you hear those Three Little Words — which, like bad pennies, nasty colds and certain situation com...

L’ambasciata italiana ha presentato oggi a Washington The Human Technopole, il nuovo istituto di ricerca italiano sulle Scienze della Vita. Il progetto - lanciato nel 2015 alla chiusura di Expo Milano nell’ambito di MIND - Milan Innovation District - ha come missione quella di sviluppare un approccio personalizzato a medicina e nutrizione, per cont...

On March 14, 1891 eleven Italian-Americans were lynched in New Orleans by a mob waving the Confederate flag who had been whipped up into believing that New Orleans Police Chief David Hennessey had been murdered by "the dagoes." It is from this incident that the term "mafia" entered the American lexicon as the thugs who lynched these 11 men, who had...

The companion book to the documentary film, A Filmmaker’s Journey reveals the process by which the author/filmmaker was able to capture on film the island nation’s natural beauty, its passionate people and epic human struggles, the depth and diversity of its culture, the philosophic insights that originated there, and its wealth of historic sites -...

"La direzione della Rai ha risposto al quesito posto da me e dal collega Mulè, in Commissione di vigilanza Rai, sull’aumento dei prezzi per accedere alle piattaforme che trasmettono i programmi Rai in Nord America a prezzi accessibili", ma l’on. Fucsia Nissoli, deputata di Forza Italia eletta proprio in Centro e Nord America, non è soddisfatta.  "N...

This step-by-step guide will help you determine if you are eligible to apply for Italian citizenship jure sanguinis, that is, by descent. However, please note that the outcome of this guide is not a guarantee that you will be recognized as an Italian citizen and you will still need to submit a complete application. Also, note that in order to be re...

When Luxottica Group S.p.A. decided to build a new 713,000-square-foot distribution center in McDonough, Ga., the Italian manufacturer and retailer of eyewear, accessories and fashion had three primary goals, according to Massimo Sapone, the senior vice president of logistics and planning for North America. The first was to consolidate locations in...

C'è anche un palermitano, Antonio D'Amore, fra i cinque migliori scienziati italiani in Nord America che ieri all’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington hanno ricevuto i prestigiosi Issnaf Awards 2018, premi tematici che l'omonima fondazione assegna durante l’evento annuale a chi si è distinto nel settore. D’Amore, 41 anni, ha ottenuto il Franco Strazzab...