Finalmente i fratelli Gaetano, Giuseppe e Santino Aliano si ritorvano dopo oltre sessant'anni di separazione forzata. Essi sono solo la cima dell'iceberg perché fanno parte degli oltre 3700 "orfani" italiani emigrati negli Stati Uniti per essere adottati da coppie americane tra il 1950 ed il 1970. Finally the three brothers, Gaetano, Giuseppe and S...

Congratulations to NIAF Member Rossella Rago for the release of her newest cookbook, “Cooking with Nonna: A Year of Italian Holidays: 130 Classic Holiday Recipes from Italian Grandmothers.” With advice from Italian grandmothers all over the country, the book covers holiday classics from every region of Italy and includes holiday memories from the g...

Italian star tenor Andrea Bocelli has teamed up with singers like Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo and Ed Sheeran for acclaimed duets during his career, but singing with his son Matteo is something he hopes feels extra special. "I hope it is a beautiful and enjoyable moment for anyone who listens to it," Bocelli said in an interview last week. "F...

Like hot dogs and SPAM, bologna is often regarded as something of a mystery meat. Regardless of your feelings about this much-maligned cold cut, bologna is a familiar presence in supermarkets, school cafeterias, and maybe even your own fridge. But what exactly is it? Similar to the a handful of other curious foods, the answer really depends on the...

OUTFRONT Media Inc. announced today a partnership with the Italian National Tourist Board to illuminate the sensational experiences and attractions in Italy to spur first-time and return tourism. With picturesque scenes of nature, historical sites, local culture and more, the campaign features experience-focused themes for every type of traveler: s...

Adam Vinatieri made history Sunday. Again. With a second-quarter 25-yard field goal against the Oakland Raiders on Sunday, the Indianapolis Colts kicker became the NFL's all-time leading scorer, surpassing Hall of Fame kicker Morten Andersen (2,544). Vinatieri entered the game with 2,540 points and tied Anderson's mark with a first-quarter extra po...

To enter, click here and comment, answering the question, "Who is your all-time favorite Italian-American baseball player?" Leave your comment before 5:00pm EST on November 2, and be entered to win a Joe DiMaggio autographed baseball. The baseball comes with a James Spence (JSA) authentication. Italian America Magazine is the official publication o...

"I miei nonni vengono tutti dall’Italia, sono emigrati tra il 1903 e il 1910. Entrambi i miei genitori, invece, sono nati negli Stati Uniti, quindi io sono cresciuto in una famiglia italo americana, molto numerosa per altro, e sono cresciuto ascoltando le storie che mi raccontavano i nonni, mia mamma o gli zii. Alla fine sono diventato uno storytel...

Is your favorite Italian American actor really of Italian decent, or just a convincing actor? Peter Falk, the dearly missed actor who played TV’s cunning inspector Colombo, used to do such an excellent job at imitating the Italian American sleuth that most TV viewers believe he was of Italian descent. In reality, Falk was Russian and Polish, with a...

C’è chi gli ha chiesto un corso di cucina, come l’attrice Jessica Alba poche settimane fa, e chi invece ha voluto una degustazione di vini italiani, come l’ex presidente americano Barack Obama e, prima di lui, vip del calibro di Dustin Hoffman, Emma Thompson o Bryan Adams. Qualunque sia la richiesta, lui ha la ricetta giusta. Perché per Filippo Bar...

Being a professional boxing commentator is all about picking up on the patterns of the fight, the subtle stuff, and assessing how fighters should adjust their approach before it even happens. So says Paulie Malignaggi, who works as a boxing analyst for Showtime and Sky Sports, and who also used to work for Fox Sports 1. “I try to involve the fans a...

As a former international supermodel, Maria Liberati never dreamed that she would go from being a fashion diva to a domestic diva. Ironically, while jet-setting off to modeling assignments around the world, Maria became closer to the simplicity of life and food in the country setting of her family’s vineyard in the mountains of central Italy. She b...