by Nick Vivarelli   Giuseppe Tornatore's new film "Correspondence," in which lovers Olga Kurylenko and Jeremy Irons communicate largely via Skype and text messages, marks the Oscar-winning director's third English-language film after "The Legend of 1900" and, more recently, art world thriller "The Best Offer," which did stellar biz at the It...

By Alison Mitchell The scenes blend like images from a kaleidoscope. A woman, blond, jubilant in a white dress, shown magnified on a convention center screen in San Francisco. It is Geraldine A. Ferraro in 1984 accepting the Democratic nomination that made her the first woman in the nation to be tapped by a major party to run for vice president....

By Peter Valdes Maserati's new SUV, the Levante, is very pretty and very good, which should not be surprising. Also, it costs a lot of money -- also not surprising -- but, I'm betting, it costs a lot less than you think. Let's play a little game.   Without looking down the page, conjure up in your mind what you think a Maserati SUV wou...

Il tema delle riforme costituzionali e del prossimo referendum sono stati gli argomenti che hanno portato Pasquale Nestico, Presidente del PD negli Stati Uniti, ad incontrare a Cremona il Sottosegretario alle Riforme costituzionali e ai Rapporti con il Parlamento Luciano Pizzetti. In questa occasione, Nestico ha sottolineato "l'importanza della vi...

by Curtis Cord   A trade group of American olive oil importers blasted the New York Times for what it called a "defamatory and inaccurate" piece on olive oil adulteration in Italy. And Extra Virginity author Tom Mueller said he was "dismayed" that he was cited as the source of the article. In a letter to the New York Times Public Editor, Er...

di Chiara Zaccherotti   Una borsa di studio rivolta a chef e cuochi americani per vivere da vicino l'esperienza culinaria italiana. L'idea è dell'International Culinary Center, che così ha deciso di commemorare Marcella Hazan, la celebre cuoca italiana scomparsa lo scorso autunno, che da Cesenatico ha portato il cibo Made in Italy sulle tavo...

Congratulations to NIAF member Diane Basilone Hawkins on the production of the documentary short film "Going Back—John Basilone," about her uncle, Marine Corps GySgt. John Basilone, who was a World War II recipient of both the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross.   The film will screen as part of the Second Annual Golden Egg Film...

Dr. Salvatore DiMauro of The Bronx, New York was presented with the 2014 UNICO National Marconi Science Award and Medal by UNICO National President Michael Veselka at a gala award ceremony and dinner at the UNICO National Board Meeting in Chicago, IL attended by UNICO National officers and members from across the country.   "It is such an ho...

by Sonja Carberry   One big push. That's what Radio Flyer CEO Antonio Pasin pondered for his fledgling wagon business. By 1930, his wheeled toys had made inroads with American consumers, and his factory turned out 1,500 a day. But amid the Great Depression, company cohorts urged a conservative approach. That's not how Pasin (1...

Women's Italian American Civic League will be rewarding 1 scholarship of $1,500.00. The deadline for the application is February 11, 2015. Eligibility: An applicant must be of Italian ancestry and a 2015 high school graduate.   Criteria: The scholarship is awarded based on American Test (ACT) or Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) college en...

by Osia blogger   Tonight is the 87th Academy Awards, so we are taking a look at the Italians and Italian Americans who have been recognized by the Oscars.   Here are 8 fun and fascinating facts: 1) The first Academy Award for Best Director went to Italian-American Frank Borzage (pronounced Bor-ZAY-gee) for his film 7th Heaven. He wo...

by David Witter   Known as "the mad fiddler from Philly," Joe Venuti was famous for his drinking, gambling and practical jokes. More importantly, he and Eddie Lang (born Salvatore Massaro) changed the sound of jazz through the introduction of the violin and the lead guitar to its repertoire. Venuti grew up as the child of a recent immigrant...