It's a trend that started in the third decade of the 21st century and that we hope will become a habit: opening museum deposits. If in Rotterdam (Netherlands) a deposit has become a museum itself, attracting visitors from all over the world with a new formula, in Italy it has been decided to move the works of art by sending them to their places of...

In Italy, Carnevale is the most colorful and playful period of the year before the Lenten season. It is celebrated with costumes, festive parades, allegoric floats, coriandoli (paper confetti), stelle filanti (paper streamers), and delicious sweet treats such as Chiacchiere. Chiacchiere are sweet crisp fried (or baked) dough that are known by diffe...

This new column is born out of a personal passion, the desire to explore a new topic, the wish to present and share an important aspect of the Italian history and culture. It will focus on Italian books, both the timeless masterpieces which shaped our literature and the contemporary works that captured interest overseas.  In every article, I will t...

February 5th was the National Prevention Day against food waste. A problem that affects everyone, consumers and businesses. Every year, in the world, we throw away about 121 kilos of food per head. In Europe, 53% of waste occurs within the home, 17% between distribution and retail, 19% during processing. Hence the idea of Too Good To Go, one of the...

If you ask many people in United States “Where do the Italian Americans live?” it is often true that the northeast comes to mind. The Italian immigrant wave in the early 20th century famously began a great migration from the “old country”. The classic stories of Ellis Island often start with New York City. The entire northeast enjoys a beautiful la...

What could be better than combining intense days on ski slopes with relaxing well-being and spa treatments? There are several destinations in the Alps that precisely offer this opportunity, for all tastes and abilities: here are as number of destinations you absolutely should know about. Aosta Valley – Courmayeur and La Thuile The ski area between...

In the area that is today Friuli Venezia-Giulia, since ancient times, various populations such as the Euganeans and Venetians have contributed to the development of metal crafts and metal processing. Jewellery making is the barbarian art par excellence. The filigree and silver and gold plating decorate a nomad body like a welcoming space. Shi'ite a...

Our previous articles have analyzed the most common pathways towards acquiring Italian citizenship by descent and the requirements needed to apply. In particular, if you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for Italian citizenship by descent, there are three main paths to applying: via an Italian consulate abroad, via a municipality in Italy...

On February 2nd Italy lost a queen, the queen of Italian cinema. Maria Luisa Ceciarelli, the real name of Monica Vitti, died at the age of 90 years, after a long-suffering period of disease that made her retire from the scenes for almost 20 years now. Monica Vitti was born in 1931. She studied acting at the academy and began her career as an actres...

We publish this article, in its English translation, courtesy of the publisher Fortress Lab, of the author and of the magazine Fmag, which we thank, where it was published in the Italian version on February 5th. "Just as I was talking to you I was booking the hotel for Bastia. Professor Oussama Khatib has been developing for 5 years a project of ma...

Hello! February has come and with it Saint Valentin’s Day, so I though about teaching you a few ways to call your partner in Italian. I have to say that I feel quite embarrassed writing them since some of them are really lovey-dovey, but how else will you learn them? Let’s start easy with some that can work for both females and males without changi...

It was not obvious, but the 19th Ismea-Qualivita Report confirms it: the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) economy played a crucial role in the Italian agricultural and food districts even in the year of the pandemic. The numbers certify this, with the economic value of production holding steady at 16.6 billion euros and, above all, with export...