For former Auburn mayor Melina Carnicelli, being the honoree of this year’s Christopher Columbus Day dinner was “thrilling” for multiple reasons. The first and only female mayor of Auburn, who served in that position from 1996 to 2003, said early in the evening that she was excited to be recognized in her hometown for her heritage and as a woman in...

Washington, 14 ottobre 2019. In occasione del Columbus Day l’Ambasciatore d’Italia Armando Varricchio partecipa alla cerimonia di deposizione di una corona di fiori al monumento dedicato a Cristoforo Colombo nella piazza antistante Union Station a Washington DC. Erano presenti anche l’Ambasciatore di Spagna Santiago Cabanas e la Vice Presidente del...

Daniel J. Travanti, best known for his TV portrayal as Capt. Frank Furillo on “Hill Street Blues,” was honored for his accomplishments as an entertainer and for giving back to his community at the annual Columbus Day Banquet. A multiple award-winning actor, Travanti, 79, a Kenosha native, shared personal anecdotes as a young budding performer both...

Italian Americans may not set off Guinness-fueled celebrations every St. Paddy's Day like Irish Americans, or serve as an excuse for margarita madness on Cinco de Mayo like Mexican Americans. But with their heaping plates of spaghetti and meatballs, mobster flicks, and the unfortunate reality TV show "Jersey Shore," Italian Americans are a critical...

A sea of red, white and green took over Manhattan today. Tens of thousands of people marched up Fifth Avenue for the 75th annual Columbus Day Parade. The parade stepped off at 11:30 a.m. following a mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The Columbus Citizens Foundation organizes the event to pay tribute to Christopher Columbus and the contributions of c...

A new Italian American of the Year was named Sunday during the Guiseppe Mazzinni Civic Association's annual Columbus Day commemoration dinner. Erie's Italian Americans gathered at the Ambasssador Hotel and Conference Center where they honored City of Erie Mayor Joe Schember.  The society pays to tribute to Erie people of Italian descent who h...

Happy Columbus Day everyone!  Or is it “Happy Indigenous Peoples Day”?  Or “Happy Italian American Heritage Day”? In recent years, a holiday that was celebrated for centuries without controversy (save for some of the garish green-white-and-red outfits it inspired) has become a hot-button issue that hits at the heart of Italian identity in America. ...

Someone placed fake severed hands around the neck of a Christopher Columbus statue in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor neighborhood, bringing attention to the controversial explorer’s treatment of America’s indigenous population. The hands, which had been removed by 5 p.m., were bloody and were draped in front of the Italian explorer’s statue sometime Mo...

In occasione della visita ufficiale negli Stati Uniti del Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella, Confindustria e ICE Agenzia organizzano – sotto l’egida del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale – la partecipazione di una delegazione italiana impegnata nell’ambito di progetti innovativi e processi di innovazione...

The Gulf Coast Italian-American Cultural Society held their annual ‘Columbus Day Dinner’ this evening at the Silver Slipper Casino. Former Mayor of Atherton, California and President of the Southeast Italian Federation Charles Marsala was the keynote speaker. Every year at the dinner, several GCIAS members are recognized as an “Italian American Who...

Although some cities have done away with Columbus Day, Cleveland's City Council rejected a resolution to change the name of Columbus Day. The Columbus Day Parade was held in Little Italy on Monday. Parade Chairmain Basil Russo says it's an important day to celebrate. “Columbus Day recognizes the monumental historical event that began the process of...

As thousands of people enjoyed Italian Heritage Day celebrations in San Francisco's Little Italy, public works crews were scraping red paint off the city's statue of Christopher Columbus just a few blocks away. The inscription painted at the base of the statue, near Coit Tower, was especially disturbing: "Destroy all monuments of genocide and kill...