Holy Cannoli! These Cities Have the Most Italian Americans

Oct 15, 2019 2203

BY: Clare Trapasso

Italian Americans may not set off Guinness-fueled celebrations every St. Paddy's Day like Irish Americans, or serve as an excuse for margarita madness on Cinco de Mayo like Mexican Americans. But with their heaping plates of spaghetti and meatballs, mobster flicks, and the unfortunate reality TV show "Jersey Shore," Italian Americans are a critical piece of America's cultural identity. A nice glass of nero d’Avola, anyone?

So just in time for Columbus Day and Italian-American Heritage Month, the realtor.com® data team found the metropolitan areas with the highest percentage of Italian Americans. As you may have guessed, they tend to be concentrated in the Northeast, particularly Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York—near where their families entered the country generations ago, and where the jobs were at the time. (Metros include the main city as well as the surrounding suburbs, towns, and smaller, urban areas.) The analysis looked at U.S. Census data from 2013 to 2017, including those who self-reported having full or partial Italian heritage.

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SOURCE: https://www.sfgate.com/

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