Renting a car is easy enough. It’s all that comes afterwards that can create enough material for a good sit com! I still chuckle at the expression of horror on friends’ faces as I enthusiastically answer “Yes!!” when asked if I drive in Italy. After all, a stick shift in hand (automatics are hard to come by) and a full tank of benzina are the ticke...

Bar Dough needs to be your go-to restaurant for Italian brunch in Denver, whether you’re looking for breakfast pizza, pasta or one of executive chef Carrie Baird's signature fancy toasts. Baird helped put Denver on the culinary map as one of the stars of season fifteen of Top Chef, but Bar Dough's brunch is proof enough of the chef's winning ways....

Dominick Argento, a Pulitzer Prize-winning composer who was probably the most celebrated creator of new American operas between the heyday of Gian Carlo Menotti in the 1950s and the advent of Philip Glass in the 1970s, died Feb. 20 at his home in Minneapolis, where he had lived for six decades. He was 91. His music publisher, Boosey & Hawkes, annou...

“Wonderful elixir!  Thou art mine!  Oh, why cannot I enjoy its effects immediately?”  so says the lovesick  peasant Nemorino. Yet this elixir of love is hardly a perfect love potion for Valentine’s Day.  Instead, it is a scam whereby the scamp Dr. Dulcamara, knowing Nemorino’s desperate attempts to capture the noble lady Adina‘s heart, tricks him i...

Secondo i dati dello US Department of Commerce, nel periodo gennaio-novembre 2018, appena diffuse, continua ad essere decisamente positivo l’andamento degli scambi USA-Italia che ha segnato un aumento del +15,6% rispetto allo stesso periodo dell’anno precedente, confermando il nostro paese al 10° posto tra i partner commerciali degli USA. Le import...

A documentary film about New Haven's Little Italy that has played to packed crowds all over the area will soon have three showings in Branford and East Haven. The film, The Village: Life in New Haven's Little Italy, was the creation of award-winning journalist Steve Hamm. It had its successful debut at last year's New Haven Documentary Film Festiva...

Il settore della moda italiana non solo è in ottimo stato ma conferma il trend di crescita che ha segnato il quinquennio 2013-2017. I dati del “Focus Moda” dell’area studi di Mediobanca parlano chiaro: il fatturato di 70,4 miliardi di euro generato lo scorso anno segna un buon incremento rispetto al 2013 (+28,9%), dovuto in buona parte alle ottime...

When Francesca Pizzi lamented the dearth of Italian restaurants in downtown Indy, her father, restaurateur Gino Pizzi, offered her some sage advice: “Why don’t you open one yourself?” As is so often true, father knows best. While Francesca has no formal culinary training, she grew up doing homework and taking naps inside her family’s beloved Broad...

Senator Joseph Griffo is once again encouraging area high school seniors and current college students in his district to apply for the 2019 New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators Academic and Athletic Scholarships. Griffo says this year, the Conference is awarding two academic and two athletic scholarships, each in the amount of...

Virginia Tech will celebrate the indigenous people of the Americas on the second Monday of October, a day normally reserved for observing the accomplishments of Christopher Columbus. The university further encouraged Virginia to cease celebrating Columbus Day and honor indigenous people on the state holiday. On Monday, President Tim Sands approv...

The team behind Worcester’s Lock 50 is opening a new restaurant in the Canal District. The new eatery — called Russo — will feature homemade Italian-American fare with classics like chicken marsala, pasta bolognese and gnocchi. It will be located in the space formerly occupied by the Canal Restaurant at 65 Water St. “If you walk into the space, it...

Vi informiamo che da oggi gli operatori degli uffici risponderanno dal lunedi’ al venerdi’, ad eccezione del mercoledi’, dalle 14.30 alle 15.30 ai seguenti numeri telefonici: Ufficio cittadinanza   (310) 432-9762; Ufficio notarile   (310) 432-9763; Ufficio stato civile   (310) 432-9764; Ufficio passaporti   (310) 432-9765; Ufficio visti   (310) 432...