October 17 (Monday) 1:00 pm. Lecture: "Italian American Artists and Their Contributions to the United States". Comm. Professor Carlo Sclafani will speak on the contributions of Italian American artists who came to the United States with their mission of embellishing the new cities and government buildings of America and who played a major...

When Matteo Renzi first met Barack Obama at the White House in January 2010, it was a fleeting encounter. The youthful mayor of Florence, now Italy's 41 year-old prime minister, was in Washington to attend a conference of US mayors as a foreign guest, and the pair barely spoke. But this week, more than five years later, Mr Obama is planning a far...

by Andrew Dampf   Silvio Gazzaniga, the sculptor who designed the World Cup trophy, has died. He was 95. Gazzaniga's son, Giorgio, said his father passed away in his sleep at home in Milan. "He just didn't wake up this morning. It was a peaceful death," Giorgio Gazzaniga told The Associated Press on Monday, adding that his father had been in...

By Whitney Coy When you think of Italian food, what comes to mind? For many, it's probably a giant plate of spaghetti noodles, topped with a hearty meat sauce and a generous serving of juicy meatballs. Unfortunately, that dish you're envisioning isn't the least bit Italian.   It may be a signature dish of many Italian restaurants in the U.S...

Moglie e buoi dei paesi tuoi, si dice. Eppure, un progetto di social reading organizzato dagli studenti di Harvard University sembra provare il contrario: con #Proverbi (dall'11 al 13 novembre sulla piattaforma online Betwyll), gli studenti americani della professoressa Elvira Di Fabio hanno commentato alcuni proverbi dialettali italiani per studia...

Due film, due registi. Un comun denominatore. La Commedia dell'Arte e due dei suoi più famosi personaggi. Sarà la National Gallery of Art di Washington ad ospitare la proiezione delle pellicole "Io, Arlecchino" di Matteo Bini e Giorgio Pasotti e "Bella e perduta" di Pietro Marcello e Maurizio Braucci. L'iniziativa è organizzata in collaborazione c...

We are very excited to announce that on Saturday, August 11, The San Francisco Italian Athletic Club Foundation welcomes the Bay Area to North Beach for the 2012 Festa Coloniale Italiana, an annual Italian festival that celebrates the rich Italian and Italian-American heritage that has existed in San Francisco for generations. This free event conti...

L'American Chamber of Commerce in Italy, guidata dall'On. Simone Crolla, ha organizzato lunedì 3 dicembre a Milano un incontro riservato con il Vice Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali Prof. Michel Martone al quale ha presentato il documento "Flessibilità nel mondo del lavoro", realizzato dalla task force "Human Capital" interna alla stes...

Il prossimo 19 marzo all'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington verranno celebrati i 50 anni di collaborazione spaziale tra Italia e Stati Uniti. Era il 1962 quando l'Italia firmò il primo accordo con la Nasa per lanciare il suo primo satellite dalla base di Wallops Island, in Virginia, cui seguì il primo lancio di un satellite italiano dalla base itali...

Il Ministro degli Esteri Giulio Terzi ha ricevuto oggi alla Farnesina una delegazione del Congresso degli Stati Uniti, a Roma in occasione delle cerimonie per l'inizio del Pontificato di Sua Santità Papa Francesco.Eccellente stato delle relazioni bilateraliAl centro dei colloqui l'eccellente stato delle relazioni bilaterali, arricchite nel 2013 dal...

Charles and Louise Hamilton and Walter Borla are members of Stella de America, an Italian-American fraternal lodge in Helper that began in 1898. They are also members of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish. Stella de America is an affiliate of the Columbian Federation of Italian-American Societies throughout the United States. It was established in 1893...

The most prestigious award in for grassroots environmental work, the Goldman Environmental Prize, was awarded to Italian national Rossano Ercolini and five others last night at the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco. I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ercolini himself and learn about his remarkable efforts to combat waste burning which grew i...