La Capital Campaign di Filitalia International, attuata per sostenere il Museo della Storia dell'Immigrazione Italiana di Philadelphia, è stata riavviata ieri, 14 Gennaio, con una visita privata coordinata dal Fondatore e Presidente Emerito di Filitalia International, Pasquale Nestico.   Durante l'evento, Nestico ha sottolineato che il Museo...

The 8th New Mexico Italian Film and Culture Festival returns, running from February 8-15 in Albuquerque and February 5-7 in Santa Fe.   This wonderful event celebrates Italian film, food, dance, art and music. The best of food and wine is available at some events.   Read more   Source:   &nb...

Have you ever wondered what it's like to conduct onsite genealogical research in Italy? Well, the wait is over. Just tune in to GENEALOGY ROADSHOW on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 @ 8:00 PM ET on PBS. We've got something special in store for those of you with an interest in Italy and Italian genealogy. ORIGINS ITALY Founder Mary M. Tedesco will host a...

Following a nation-wide search Granduca Hotels is pleased to announce the hiring of Joseph Violi as general manager of Hotel Granduca Austin, which is slated to open October 2015 in the Westlake area.   Bringing extensive luxury hotel and resort experience to Granduca Austin, Violi will be overseeing the property's opening later this fall. A...

Andrea Bacigalupa describes himself as a fourth-generation totally assimilated Italo-American with an abiding love of Italy. In the process of researching and re-claiming his Italian heritage, he has spent a lifetime traveling, sculpting, painting and writing. In 1956 Andrea and his wife Ellen founded the oldest studio-gallery on Santa Fe's famed C...

Join us to celebrate the launch of Gil Fagiani's new book Stone Walls, published by Bordighera Press. "Although we get glimpses into the perspective of the older poet in Gil Fagiani's latest book, STONE WALLS, it is the boy and adolescent poet that grabs us, as he zeroes in on the odd, the paradoxical, the grotesque, the irrevocably defamiliar...

The library at the Casa Italian Sociocultural Center is now open to the public. The library currently houses more than 2,500 books in Italian and a rich collection of Italian movies in DVD format.   The library is now open to the public on Sunday from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon and on Monday from 6:00-8:00 pm. Donations of Italian books are welc...

Castello della Manta (or Manta Castle), in the province of Cuneo, has a beautiful room with frescoes inspired by the characters of a famous medieval epic poem: a representation of the so-celled "Fountain of youth", which over the decades was a recurrent theme for many painters, including the Bavarian Lucas Cranach the Elder, who created what is lik...

I would not consider myself a coffee snob. I don't have a favorite barista or monitor the time between the grinding and brewing of beans. And, sin of all sins, I own a Keurig. However, there is one beverage that I am beyond picky about: the cappuccino.   Ever since visiting Italy last year, I have been searching for an authentic Italian-styl...

di Riccardo Chioni   Per la Valtarese Foundation il traguardo di 25 anni di attività è stato un momento di orgoglio che domenica ha condiviso con 420 persone presso la sala ricevimenti Mestro's nel Bronx, per ribadire l'impegno di solidarietà e l'attaccamento alla terra d'origine del sodalizio. Alla festa ha partecipato il console generale...

Leaving his Italian homeland for the United States in 1979, Lino Tagliapietra brought closely held recipes for battuto, zanfirico, reticello, pulegoso, martelé. For the next several decades in workshops around the country, he taught those glass-making techniques to Americans hungry for new skills.   In turn, his own creative appetite was nou...

Italian and U.S. agents broke up a major cocaine trafficking network between Central America, the United States and Europe Thursday, detaining 13 Italians suspected of links to organised crime, police said. Italy's elite SCO police and FBI agents captured the men as they slept in their homes in the southern Calabria region and detained them on...