A 2001 Mountain Home High School alumnus was recently awarded a Fulbright Foundation for Southern Italy Award, an honor often given to senior faculty members. The 33-year-old visiting assistant professor of Italian at the University of Arkansas, Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, said he went into Italian studies because he has "always been fascinated with la...

Enjoy wine, light refreshments and a special presentation this Thursday, January 19, at 7 p.m. Cynthia Curran PhD, will present "Donna Leon and Venice: The Tale of Two Cities".   In her series of crime novels set in Venice, Donna Leon's primary focus is on a major crime (usually murder) and its solution by her police detective Commissario Gu...

Tema della serata un libro dell'aquilana, docente alla Georgetown University Il 13 settembre 2012, alle 18.30, avrà luogo a Washington presso la sede della National Italian American Foundation (NIAF), la più nota e prestigiosa associazione italo-americana, un incontro con Laura Benedetti, direttrice del dipartimento di italiano della Georgetown Un...

"INSIEME per gli italiani" ha reso nota, nella serata di ieri, la lista dei suoi rappresentanti in America del centro-nord. "Abbiamo approntato una rete capillare e seriamente radicata di personalità conosciute ed apprezzate sui territori", ha spiegato il segretario di "INSIEME per gli italiani", Salvatore Ferrigno, tenendo a ribadire che "queste...

L'Italia è stata tra i primi Paesi europei a istituire la "Giornata della Memoria" che si tiene in tutto il mondo ogni anno il 27 gennaio. In questo ambito, l'Ambasciata, i Consolati e gli Istituti di Cultura italiani negli Stati Uniti propongono un ampio ventaglio di eventi culturali per coltivare la memoria della Shoah nelle giovani generazioni e...

On the production floor of Beretta USA sits a hulking new barrel-making machine ready to churn out the next object of obsession in America's love-hate relationship with guns: a civilian version of a machine gun designed for special operations forces and popularized in the video game Call of Duty. Beretta, the nearly 500-year-old family-owned compa...

Kicking off Italy's "Year of Italian Culture in the USA", the Museo ItaloAmericano is pleased to present the a new exhibit featuring five contemporary Italian artists. From April 18 through July 21, 2013, in celebration of Italy's arts the Museo will present "Contemporaneity: Signs of Modern Times" an exhibit by the Sedna group. Sedna is made up o...

This year's spring's symposium – featuring presentations from 10 prominent EU originated startups with founders from Italy, Israel, Greece, US was one of those great occasions where all falls where it should. On May 2 we have had our fifth gathering, the Italian Business & Investment Initiative Spring Symposium, where the best start ups from...

By Laine Doss   A little over 20 years ago, Steve Martorano -- number seven on our Tastemaker countdown -- was on his way back up north. His dreams of opening a restaurant in Fort Lauderdale didn't work out and the cook (he doesn't like the word chef) was at the airport, waiting for a flight to Philadelphia. Then, as if in the movies, a call...

by C. Acevedo Marino's is a mom-and-pop spaghetti joint with a solid command of old-fashioned Italian fare. In that respect, it earns three stars. But Marino's deserves five huge stars for its virtuoso dessert: the gorgeously luscious, worth-a-trip tiramisu.   Owners John and Ellen Marino moved the longtime restaurant earlier this year...

July 1 – August 26thItalian Landscapes Redefined by Linda Labella-Morgan This collection of watercolor paintings blends Italian landscapes with the art of Rome and includes portraits of the artist's family. The paintings highlight the spirit of today's Italian life and culture. Symbolic imagery provides additional layers of meaningful content to t...

Quasi cinque milioni sono gli italiani che attualmente vivono all' Estero e di questi moltissimi sono i giovani che cercano fortuna nelle Università straniere, particolarmente in quelle degli Stati Uniti e del Canada. Ma quali sono al momento le possibilità di cooperazione universitaria e di ricerca oltre oceano?   A questa e ad altre d...