They're gonna need a bigger stove. In fact, chefs in Naples will use five wood-burning stoves- on-wheels to bake a 1.2-mile pizza this month – the world's longest margherita pie.   The current record-holder was a mile-long version of the Neapolitan classic, which was baked last year during Milan's food-themed Expo, The Local reported.&n...

by Adam H. Callaghan   Named for a monastery near Venice, Italian restaurant San Fermo opens its doors today, about half a year later than expected. The wait has produced a gorgeous blend of rusticity and modernity inside and out of the historic Pioneer Houses, which were moved to Ballard years ago from the International District.   A...

"" una piccola azienda informatica trevigiana tra i colossi dell'editoria a Pepcon, la più importante conferenza mondiale sulla stampa e l'ePublishing, che si svolgerà a giorni a San Diego (California). Pagination ( nasce nel 2009 dalla scelta coraggiosa di alcuni ragazzi veneti, che decidono di non partire e s...

A trifecta of talent completes what could be called a total transformation at Formento's. The red-sauce Italian spot recently welcomed new executive chef Stephen Wambach, followed by wine director Jen Schmitt. Now, B. Hospitality Co. (The Bristol, Balena) has named Cristiana DeLucca as Formento's first-ever bar director.   DeLucca comes to F...

by Anthony Fasano Sunday dinner was an important part of my upbringing, which I'm sure is true for most Italian Americans. I wrote an entire post on Sunday dinners here. Of all of the great Sunday dinner memories, many of my fondest memories revolve around the kids' table. The kids' table was obviously the table (sometimes at the end of the l...

di Carla Pacelli   Cos'è l'Italian way of fooding? Uno stile di vita che unisce convivialità e dieta mediterranea, la cultura per il cibo tipica del Belpaese e la qualità delle materie prime. Stile, oggi, sempre più seguito anche all'estero, soprattutto nei paesi anglosassoni, dove riscuote entusiasmi e fa proseliti anche tra le star.  ...

The Harrison County Commission has rejected a funding request from the Italian Heritage Festival board.The board will now have to look elsewhere for an additional $3,000 to help fund the 'Glow In The Park Run' this Saturday. The commission has already granted funding for the festival over Labor Day Weekend.   Commissioner Bernie Fazzini note...

Italy is the source of some of the finest delights our senses can enjoy: espresso, pizza, pasta, gelato, wine and much more! For this reason, there are many "Little Italys" outside the motherland that bring together what we love about one of the star models of European quality.   Who doesn't love phenomenal coffee, incredible food and wonder...

The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at the University of Oklahoma seeks a highly qualified and diverse applicant pool for an open rank specialist in Italian Renaissance and/or Medieval literature and culture. OU, a Carnegie R-1 comprehensive public research university, is home to the international literary magazine Worl...

In this episode, we interview filmmaker John Maggio, who has spent a decade making documentaries hailed for their social impact and exceptional craft. His work includes several films for "FRONTLINE" and "American Experience."   Maggio's films have been honored with the National Emmy Award, Writers Guild Award, an Independent Spirit Award, an...

by Giorgio dell'Orefice   An excellent harvest using the standards of last year. That is what is ahead for the 2016 Italian wine label according to forecasts made by the Italian Wine Union and by ISMEA (Institute of Services to the Agricultural and Food Market controlled by the Ministry of Agricultural Policies).   These estimates wil...

Once again, San Francisco celebrated the great success of Cinema Italia with the all-celluloid "Anna Magnani - A Film Series" at the iconic Castro Theatre on Saturday, September 24. The series began with a long line for the legendary first film at 1pm, with Roberto Rossellini's "Roma Città Aperta", with a excited crowd wrapping around the bloc...