di Federico Fubini L'Italia ha costruito centinaia di chilometri di rete ferroviaria ad alta velocità e ne ha fatto dono alla Gran Bretagna. Ha investito in due enormi reti Internet a fibra ottica, perché siano installate in Germania e in Svizzera. Naturalmente non è vero. Se lo fosse, la tivù mostrerebbe zuffe a Montecitorio, sin...
by Bob Kalinowski Neno Sartini, one of Northeastern Pennsylvania's leading advocates for veterans, died on Tuesday afternoon, his wife said. He was 85. Sartini served in the Air Force for 27 years, retiring as a master sergeant. The Wilkes-Barre man fought in the Korean and Vietnam wars. He was awarded the Bronze Star for his ser...
By Lisa Petrillo "Bellissima: Italy and High Fashion 1945-1968" is an entire exhibit dedicated to the rise of high fashion in Italy, and you can find it all at the NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale. More than 90 designer garments are on display, including high fashions gowns that lit up the grand ballrooms, red carpets and theaters of...
To meet the growing demand for pizza in the metropolitan area of Birmingham, Alabama, Marco's Pizza® franchise is seeking to partner with entrepreneurs who want a slice of the action. How big is the demand for pizza in Alabama? The largest city in Alabama is booming; Birmingham boasts a population well over 210,000 and a thriving busi...
An Italian novelist who's been leading a double life as a US presidential candidate is coming out, admitting he's a fake - but he says he'll keep his bogus campaign website and Twitter feed going because he's got so many American fans. For the past eight months Alessandro Nardone has been posing online as Alex Anderson, a telegenic California cong...
The last inhabitants of Poggio Santa Cecilia, a village in Tuscany, abandoned it in the 1960s. Many residents left furniture in their unwanted homes, curtains at the windows and crockery in the cupboards. It has all been untouched since then, despite the village's having being sold into private ownership. "We first started buying the farml...
Si terrà nella Sala Stampa della Camera dei Deputati, il 5 aprile alle 11:30, la Conferenza: "La Dieta Mediterranea strumento di promozione e difesa del Made in Italy in Italia e negli Usa". Un tema molto attuale che sarà introdotto da Fucsia Nissoli, deputata eletta in Nord America, da tempo impegnata nella difesa e promozione del Made in Italy....
The order came from the Sultan of Brunei's nephew. It was 1994, and Prince Abdul Hakeem, then 20 years old, had inherited two things: access to a $40 billion fortune, and his family's penchant for spending it. In the '80s and '90s, the monarchs of this tiny, oil-rich nation in the South China Sea bankrolled a fleet of special custom vehicl...
It seemed impossible, when you first heard the news. A lifeforce as vibrant as Antonio Ciccone could not be extinguished this soon. But it was true, Ciccone, a science teacher and girls soccer coach at Seymour High, died unexpectedly last Friday at age 61. Colorful, funny, dedicated, warm and generous are good words for a start, but I'm no...
PN Wood Fired Pizza is a new concept—a restaurant where guests can choose the type of flour used to make the crust on your pizza—as well as enjoy a full spectrum of authentic Italian cuisine. PN Managing Partner Giacomo Baldi is a man with a mission: to improve the quality and flavor of the flour (and hence, the pizza) we consume. As CEO o...
di Paolo Tartamella Quattro giovani donne, quattro italoamericane, piccole imprenditrici alle prese con la quotidianeità del loro business. Quattro persone innamorate del loro lavoro. Martedì scorso la National Organization of Italian American Women (Noiaw) ha radunato attorno ad un tavolo Mickela Mallozzi, Joan Pelzer, Nikki Padilla...
by Jasper J. Mirabile Jr. Festa Italiana 2016 is back again this weekend, June 3 to June 5. The longtime local ethnic festival draws visitors from across metropolitan Kansas City and beyond, and this year it celebrates 10 years at Zona Rosa. Festa Italiana Kansas City is a celebration for local Italians to share some of their culture and heri...