Music lovers will be pleased to attend the North State Symphony's second concert of its season, which showcases music from Italy. The symphony returns to the Laxson Auditorium big stage, 2 p.m., Nov. 13 and 7:30 p.m., Nov. 12 at the Cascade Theatre.   North State Symphony Maestro Scott Seaton has selected a musical potpourri of composer...

By Brent Snavely The long-awaited re-introduction of Alfa Romeo in the U.S. will lean heavily on three characteristics of the brand's new cars — performance, Italian style and technology.   But that's not all. Fiat Chrysler Automobiles plans to unleash a marketing blitz next year and plans to expand its dealership network as it brings new c...

New York–based showroom DOM Interiors has launched a flagship space for luxury Italian furniture manufacturer Rimadesio to coincide with the brand's 60th anniversary. The showroom, designed by Rimadesio's Giacomo Fossati, displays the brand's collection of high-tech furnishings and modular systems, comprising shelving, space dividers, and swing doo...

Each Spring we hold our Annual Scholarship Breakfast, drug at this event the Society present 10 $1000 scholarships in memory of Italian American Police Officers that lost their lives in the line of duty. These scholarships are available only to the children or grandchildren of members who are college bound high school seniors.   Members must...

Natalia Quintavalle, Console Generale a New York, rappresenta l'Italia nella città più importante del mondo. Il suo incarico si svolge nel consolato che conta quasi 70 mila italiani iscritti all'Aire ma opera su un area metropolitana in cui vivono e lavorano una cifra almeno quattro volte superiore di cittadini residenti. Diplomatica di carriera co...

Si e' svolta ieri 8 gennaio 2013 presso il Glass Pavilion del Museo d'Arte di Toledo (Ohio) la cerimonia di restituzione all'Italia di un vaso etrusco risalente al periodo 520-510 A.C.."La collaborazione con le autorita' americane in questo settore e' una nostra priorita', non solo per il valore artistico ed economico delle opere, ma anche perche'...

Il Cda dell'Italian Heritage and Culture Committee of New York, Inc annuncia gli esiti delle ultime elezioni, che si svolgono biennalmente. Presidente e Chairman risulta Joseph Sciame, Vice Presidente Maria C. Marinello. Tesoriere è stato eletto John Mustaro e segretario Maria Fosco. Chair alle relazioni pubbliche Nancy J. Indelicato; Chair del Ma...

Paolo Veronese (1528–1588) was one of the giants of Venetian Renaissance painting. Though perhaps best known for his grand ceiling paintings and large Biblical feast scenes, Veronese and his workshop created altarpieces and smaller religious paintings for private devotion or collectors, as well as portraits, depictions of sensual narratives drawn f...

Da diverse settimane 10mila quintali di olio extra vergine di alta qualità italiana sono bloccati alla dogana degli Stati Uniti perché sono state rinvenute tracce di un pesticida autorizzato in Europa ma non oltre oceano. A lanciare l'allarme è il Consorzio nazionale degli olivicoltori, che ha scritto ai ministri dell'Agricoltura e della Salute, in...

Dal 26 aprile al 2 maggio una delegazione del gruppo bancario visiterà la zona della Silicon Valley con un'agenda ricca di appuntamenti. American Chamber of Commerce in Italy ha organizzato per conto di Banca Mediolanum una Missione in Silicon Valley dedicata a 25 Family Banker che si sono distinti per aver vinto un contest interno.AmCham si è imp...

by Nina Garin   10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Throughout Little Italy. Free.   The Sicilian Festival turns 20 this year, and to celebrate, there will be a performance by Sicilian American tenors Aaron Caruso, Elio Scaccio and Sam Vitale. You'll also be able to experience everything from grape-stomping and folk dancin...

by Tequila Minsky   Saturday was blustery and drizzly, but that didn't stop very concerned neighbors of Little Italy and Soho who came out fired up, protesting — again — what had happened to their tiny square, which is really a triangle, in what they stressed is a "park-starved" neighborhood. Petrosino Square, bounded by Spring, Lafayet...