di Tiziana Triolo Si è svolta il 6 dicembre presso l'Auditorium del Consolato Generale d'Italia a Houston, in Texas, la Decima Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo, organizzata dal Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero (Comites) della circoscrizione consolare di Houston, che comprende gli Stati dell'Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma e Te...
by Eric Sandler After a week of previews with friends and family services, Osteria Mazzantini has officially opened. Developed by Mockingbird Bistro chef/owner John Sheely in tribute to his mother's Italian heritage, Mazzantini is an upscale casual restaurant along the lines of Ciao Bello and Coppa Ristorante. Inside the attractiv...
Eni ha perforato con successo il primo pozzo esplorativo orizzontale (Stallings 1H) nell'ambito dell'accordo con Quicksilver Resources volto a valutare, esplorare e sviluppare risorse a olio in giacimenti non convenzionali situati nella parte meridionale del bacino del Delaware, nella Contea di Pecos, nel West Texas, circa 700 chilometri a nord ove...
Il 6 Dicembre si svolgerà presso l'Auditorium del Consolato Generale d'Italia a Houston, Texas la Decima Conferenza dei Ricercatori Italiani nel Mondo. Organizzata dal Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero (COM.IT.ES) della circoscrizione di Houston, che comprende gli Stati dell'Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma e Texas, in collaborazione con il Comitato...
Due giovani pianeti, probabilmente dei giganti gassosi grandi quanto Saturno, stanno nascendo dal 'grembo' fatto di polveri e gas che circonda la giovanissima stella HD 163296, visibile a 400 anni luce da noi nella costellazione del Sagittario: a svelare questa precoce 'gravidanza' stellare è il radio telescopio Alma in Cile, che ha analizzato le p...
by Robin Miller One can't help wondering if Nick LaRocca would have believed it if someone had told him exactly how much influence his song would have over a stadium of 90,000-plus. Make that more than 100,000 when the addition to Tiger Stadium is complete, when more voices are added to the crowd's roar when the LSU Tiger Marching Ban...
Jackie and Dominie Smith are proud to continue the tradition of Italian heritage in southeastern Oklahoma by serving as Re and Regina for this weekend's Italian Festival — although they were surprised at their selection. "I thought it would be a nice honor, but I never thought it would be me," Jackie Smith said. The couple is set to r...
By John Brandenburg Large oils and paper or collage works, as well as butterflies and burned books, give us a lot to think about in a show by three Italian artists. The exhibit by Massimiliano Luchetti, Sara Lovari and Enrique Moya Gonzalez is at Mainsite Contemporary Art, 122 E Main. Called "Arezzo in Norman," the show was c...
Dear ICCC Members and Friends, the ICCC is now hiring! We are looking for: 1. ITALIAN TEACHER FOR CHILDREN CLASSES Job description Part time teaching position. Small classes (5 to 10 students). Children classes. Classes are on Saturday morning. Syllabus required.
Dear Members and Friends, "Le Strade del Vino... delle Marche", our educational wine tasting series is back. This January you can explore the enogastronomic production and tourism of the Italian Region Marche. on January, 16th 2015 - 7:00 p.m, featuring six fine Wine Selections from Marche · Vallerosa-Bonci DOC 2012 "M...
by Michael Abatemarco The realist paintings of Vincent Figliola, an award-winning former art director and creative advertising director, are tinged with a touch of the surreal. His Tchaikovsky's Sky, for instance, depicts a godlike conductor held aloft by clouds, and in one of his self-portraits, a ballerina in miniature dances gracefully on...
By Kelley Crimmins For four generations, the Campisi name has been synonymous with traditional Italian dining. In April, the Dallas-based family-owned and -operated business relocated one of its two Plano restaurants from 3115 W. Parker Road to 4709 W. Parker Road just east of Preston Road. This full-service restaurant originally opened i...