October 2nd marks the 89th annual Italian Spaghetti Dinner in Little Italy, Arkansas. On this day we are all Italian in Central Arkansas as we celebrate our proud Arkansas Italian-American history in Northwest Pulaski County. The weather is expected to be fantastic in Little Italy as we enjoy St. Francis Catholic Church's famous spaghetti and sausa...
Il Museo Philbrook di Tulsa, Oklahoma, ospita dal 10 marzo al 26 maggio la mostra "Afrodite e gli Dei dell'Amore", organizzata dal Museum of Fine Arts di Boston. Elena di Troia e Paride, Cupido e Psiche - numerosi amanti famosi sono stati influenzati da Afrodite, una delle divinità più potenti e venerate dell'antichità. Ciononostante, Afro...
A touring art exhibition that condenses 500 years of Italian art through 40 paintings is open to visitors of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. Museum curator Alison Amick has worked more than two years organizing Of Heaven and Earth, a collection of Italian paintings from the Glasgow Museum in Scotland. The show presents five sections covering...
The submarine sandwich – popularized by small sandwich shops from coast to coast usually bearing the name of a national chain – has to be the most frequently store-bought sandwich in the country. Though it might be difficult to make the connection from lesser mass-marketed versions, its roots are Italian-American. The sub in its various si...
Pizzeria Bianco and I go back nearly 20 years. In 1996 I was a couple of years out of college, kicking around the country with a musician friend. We ended up in Phoenix for six weeks. My serious interest in food was budding but I was also broke. At a local bookstore, I flipped through one of the oblong Zagat guides detailing America’s top restauran...
North Texas Catholics will have the opportunity Tuesday to view the remains of St. Maria Goretti, who became a saint before she was even a teenager. The Italian was martyred for her faith in 1902 at the age of 11 after she was stabbed to death for refusing to submit to a rapist. She forgave him on her death bed. The visit of her remai...
After more than four decades in business, Tony Angello's will close it's doors forever Saturday, December 24. Angela Angello Riviere, daughter of the restaurant's late chef and namesake, confirmed the decision. Tony Angello's is a family-run Creole-Italian restaurant known for their "Feed me" menu and signature dishes including the lobster...
Il 28-30 marzo il Dance Salad Festival ospitera' una rappresentazione della compagnia italiana "Spellbound Contemporary Ballet". La compagnia, basata a Roma, ritorna al Dance Salad Festival con la prima rappresentazione negli Stati Uniti di una nuova coreografia di Mauro Astolfi, fondatore e Direttore Artistico della compagnia, che presentera' degl...
Houston ospitera' anche quest'anno l'appuntamento con questo festival internazionale del cinema, che e' oramai giunto alla quarantasettesima edizione. Oltre ad una sessantina di opere prime ed un centinaio di cortometraggi, il WorldFest presentera' al pubblico houstoniano la nona edizione di 'Panorama Italia', la rassegna di film italiani...
Bulgari e lo Houston Museum of Natural Science ospiteranno a partire dal 2 maggio Bulgari: 130 Years of Masterpieces, un'esposizione di circa 150 pezzi unici provenienti dalla Collezione Storica Bulgari che comprende alcuni dei capolavori custoditi nella casa madre di Roma ed altri concessi in prestito da collezioni private. Questa retrosp...
May 3, 2016. Tuesday 6:30 PM. The Italian Cultural and Commuity Center - 1101 Milford - Houston, Texas 77006. Join us at the ICCC for a lecture on an overview of the Great Pompeii Project—a special urgent program of conservation, maintenance and restoration launched in 2011 by the Italian government and European Union after...
by COMITES - Houston We have all been very moved by the images we have seen of the overwhelming destruction resulting from the massive earthquake that struck central Italy in the pre-dawn hours on August 24. If you would like to make a donation toward relief efforts, COMITES - Houston (representing the Consular District which includes...