The Italian Cultural Institute of Washington presents the screening of the film-documentary “The Genius of Gianni Versace Alive” directed by Salvatore Zannino, to celebrate this extraordinary Italian fashion designer’s life and contributions to beauty in the film, music, and fashion industries. “Gianni Versace’s life was such a compelling story tha...
New Jersey Lyric Opera’s year of debuts is shaping up to be monumental. With three new opera productions already under their belt, they will plunge headfirst into the busy fall season with three more. For founder and artistic director John Calkins, the midpoint marks an adventurous new phase in the company’s development that focuses on expansion. T...
Our final AMHS speaker program for 2023 started out with a real treat for the attendees — a surprise performance by AMHS music scholarship winner Giorgio Consolati. Afterwards, Professor Carmine Vittoria told us about his two most recent, very different books. The program, held at Casa Italiana on September 10, 2023, began with Giorgio’s introducti...
The New York Giants dug deep into their quarterback depth chart Sunday and gave rise to an instant New York folk hero. Tommy DeVito, a 25-year-old rookie who played at Syracuse and Illinois, made his NFL debut after Tyrod Taylor suffered a rib injury in the first half against the New York Jets. (Taylor was starting in place of Daniel Jones, who’s s...
Bruce Springsteen released his first two albums 50 years ago, in 1973 — a year in which the top-selling single happened to be Tony Orlando & Dawn’s “Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree.” Every fan of popular music was aware of “Tie a Yellow Ribbon,” of course, and Springsteen had not yet broken through the mainstream. But anyone who was awar...
The 1000 Miglia, which has raced through Italy each year for almost 100 years, is holding its Warm Up U.S.A. rally training day and three-day race in and around Middleburg this week. The 1000 Miglia Warm Up USA provides top finishers from the U.S. race with an opportunity to compete in the Italian 1000 Miglia next year. The event has 25 entries i...
During an era in which mainstream society is being told to honor diversity, equity, and inclusion, it seems the only people who don’t benefit from this cultural revolution are those who are of European descent. For example, October is celebrated as Italian American Heritage and Culture Month and has been since 1989. Yet, as written previously, one...
On Aug. 1, 2011, Philadelphia radio station WHAT abruptly ceased broadcasting. As the only station that still had an Italian-themed radio program, it meant the end of 81 years of Italian radio programs on the standard AM/FM radio bands. It seemed that this genre of radio programming was gone forever from the Delaware Valley, until November of 2013....
Washington DC and New York were the two stops in the U.S. in the series of international presentations of Teatro alla Scala's 2023-2024 Season-which will open on Dec. 7 with Verdi's Don Carlo conducted by Riccardo Chailly and directed by Lluís Pasqual,'s 2023-2024 programming, and the newly established "Teatro alla Scala Association of A...
The Department of Music, Performing Arts & Music Technologies at County College of Morris (CCM) is presenting The Light in the Piazza, the annual musical this Fall Semester, to entertain and transport the cast, crew and audience to Italy in the 1950s, for a test on love and secrecy. Based on the 1960 novella by Elizabeth Spencer, the story is abou...
Comedian Vic DiBitetto, also know as “The Italian Hurricane” is coming to the Sherman Theater on November 4. An incredibly powerful performer, comedian Vic DiBitetto churns energy, honesty and humanity into nonstop laughter. His pace is frenetic, and he’s been called a cross between Rodney Dangerfield and Ralph Kramden. The bottom line is, DiBitett...
The Washington Nationals have officially reached an agreement with general manager Mike Rizzo on a multiyear contract extension. Rizzo, 62, has served as the team's GM and head of baseball operations for the past 15 seasons, with four NL East division titles and the 2019 World Series championship among his accomplishments. “I love being part of the...