2015 Italian Film Festival USA to Screen a Trio of Award-Winning Films in Ann Arbor

Apr 03, 2015 1022

by John Ball

THE 2015 ITALIAN Film Festival USA Metro Detroit recently announced the complete schedule of its 11th edition, which takes place April 1-26 at various locations across the metro area, including Ann Arbor. A trio of the Festival's 14 films will be screened on Apr. 17-18 in Askwith Auditorium in Lorch Hall on the U-M campus. U-M's Romance Languages and Literatures is a sponsor of the Festival. All films will be shown in Italian with English subtitles.

On Friday Apr. 17, "Il giovane favoloso (Leopardi)" will be played at 7:30 p.m. It is a biopic of Giacomo Leopardi, one of Italy's greatest 19th century poets. The next evening at 5:00 p.m. "I nostri ragazzi" ("The Dinner") will play. In the film, two brothers and their wives meet once a month in a fashionable restaurant. Their tradition has continued for years until, one evening, security cameras in a remote part of town record a foolish act committed by their children.

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Source: http://www.a2indy.com/

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